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Im bittersweet that i didnt win but either way im proud as hell because i did it and i know i am damn well amazing

Is this the feeling people get when they win the iron fist tournament???

O o f

You know i should r e a l l y statt getting back in the tekken fandom. I locked myself out becuz everytime i join a new fandom i need to make space for emotional attachment... but hey i still have jillions of episodes i need to watch on meteor garden 2018 (its beautiful and its 2001 counterpart^^) also my inner weeb is dying so i need to work on that... lol

If youre still following this book then you have mad patience i wonder why u have no wife or husband yet (and if u do, welp)

Summer is coming up for me at least so maybe i might update? Idk im not smart. [said the best person, friend, student, daughter and the future queen of earth lmao]

Also shoutout to my friends E and M they helped me not have a breakdown so ya give them some trophies and medals becuz they served their queen right lol

Yes i do sometimes believe im a narcissist. Anyways


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