Sleep Is For The Week

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(AU Where They're Just A Big Fam)
Jin was running downstairs to the living room, where he searched through bookshelves, behind pictures and even the floor tiles before both of his parents opened the lights. "Honey... Are you going through a phase or something?? A searching for random things phase??" Jun said, with her sleep mask on her forehead.

"Mom, I'm looking for a piece of paper. It says a password, for my laptop!" He said, still searching in between each word. "First of all, you should have memorized that now, that computer has been yours for over 3 months!" Kazuya said,

"Besides, you've only slept for 4 hours today, or tomorrow.. Which ever the two!" Jin's father continued. "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!" Jin searched in the bathroom as he yelled over, "PERHAPS ITS SLEEP FOR THE WEEK!" Jun yelled. "Jun, leave him. 21 years old and still living in with his parents." Kazuya mumbled the last part as they went back to their room as their son is in distress.
"I'm gonna die.." Jin muttered, lying on the stairs.

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