Chapter 64: I Will Go To War For You

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"Settle." He cut him off. His tusks were bared but he fell silent and Erinne waited for the chieftain to continue. "Wren demands that I turn you over to your rightful people and king or he will hold me and my clan accountable."

"Accountable for what?" She frowned, "I told him why I cannot leave."

"Apparently for holding you here against your king's orders."

"I'm here of my free will." A desperate edge crept into her voice as she considered those words and what they meant. Cold Hammer was right, this was a declaration of war. She didn't understand how Wren could be this inconsiderate to her condition. Traveling at this stage was dangerous for her and her child.

"One word from Wren and the people will believe you are not. You'll be declared a hostage, a prisoner of war."

Tears sprang to her eyes as he said that. She glared at the kingsmen, "Is this true?"

The captain of the squad gave a short nod, "Our king said he will pursue every effort to bring you home, where you belong. We cannot accept the orcs holding one of our own captive."

"You would...attack us?" Erinne stared at them and Cold Hammer lifted his weapon higher.

"We have no orders to attack anyone." The captain replied, eyeing her mate warily. "We are only here to escort you home. If we are refused, we have orders to return to Wren, but I expect after that he will send his army for you."

"The army?!" She gasped.

Lohke shifted uncomfortably, "He said as much in his letter."

"Where's the letter?" She demanded and brushed the tears from her face with rough swipes. "What all did he say?"

His brow furrowed, "I think it best not to show you."

"Lohke!" She said his name all too loudly, her rage dispelling her shock over Wren's words and she took an angry step towards him but Cold Hammer caught her shoulders and held her steady.

"Sheobulf," he looked saddened and his voice was thick, "he has made very clear threats, I think it best we leave it at that. He has made it clear, however, he will go to war to bring you to Thunderfall, and he'll start by targeting the Killerfrost Clan."

She could only imagine what those threats might be if Lohke would not even voice them to her. She was so furious that her whole body was starting to shake and she cupped her hand around her belly again. "He threatened to send the army here for me, and take only me, yes?" She said firmly and Lohke's lack of response proved her suspicions. "He would separate me from my family?"

"This is her home." Cold Hammer snarled at the humans. "She's never been to Thunderfall, she's lived here for nearly five years."

Her heart was sinking, it felt like the world was abruptly clouding over. She couldn't believe this. Wren was forcing her hand? If she stayed, the people she loved most would be targeted. They would destroy her home if any army came here. There would be no safe place for her family. Would an army even care about her family? Or would they just kill them all?

She wrapped her arms around herself, her head splitting with agony. This stress was too much. If human soldiers attempted to march here, Lohke would be forced to fight, to send his army, and if they ever reached her, she doubted they would bring either of her children. She would be separated from them. She knew that's what Lohke wouldn't tell her. She was human, they were not. Would anyone ever accept her children for the sweet, precious babies they were?

Erinne turned and pressed her face into Cold Hammer's arm and switched to orc. Some of them might understand, but it wasn't necessarily about privacy right now, "I have no choice."

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