Do You Ever Think About Her...

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Do you ever think about her,

The girl who helps you out?

The one who tells you the answers

And leaves without a doubt.


Do you ever think about her,

As she sits next to you in class,

Jotting down her notes,

That you'll take with so much brass.


Do you think about the girl,

Who you shout at in the street,

When all she's doing is going home,

shuffling her feet?


Do you think about the girl,

Who's parents think she's shit,

Because she got a ninety,

Something they wouldn't permit?


Do you think about the girl,

as she studies so hard a night,

she can't sleep all alone,

because you gave her a fright?


Do you think about the girl,

who struggles through her life,

trying to seem so normal,

though wants to take a knife?


Do you think about the girl,

who just wants to be like you?

'Cos you should know 

she thinks of you.


She thinks of what you call her,

She hopes to be that good,

She smiles and laughs,

Though she cries behind the hood.


So call her a nerd,

A geek,

A boff,

But please,

Don't ever,


Call her a genius.

That's the one thing she knows she can't be.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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