Because You Did

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To all those who like to hurt

Those who just want to stay standing up

I give to you the product of your ways

I give you all that you caused

Do you see that girl hiding in the doorways

As you walk home from school

She has to waste time and stay away

So her mum can't hurt her after a day at work

Do you see the girl walking past you on the corridor

Her with the black eye and the wierd smile

Her parents hit her because she didn't get an A

They hit her because she can't stand up for herself

You know the girl who stares at the window

She is dreaming of the day when she can escape this place

Or did you ever think that maybe she's thinking

About how she can leave this world

Actions have consequences

And they will always catch up with you

Sleep tonight and the next

But ten years from now when you meet that girl

The one you laughed at for her hair

For her clothes

Because she too smart

Or too wierd

Just remeber that those scars that stopped her dreams





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