Life After...

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AN: So I am currently losing my mind because a user liked my stuff so much, they drew their interpretation of young Xieren. Like, I never thought I'd see the day when someone would like my stuff enough to make actual fanart! I'm super hyped and have been smiling all day. I absolutely love it!!!!!

 Link below!


Say what you will about the determination of gods, nothing was quite as diligent and resourceful as [Eye of Vengeance]'s plot. It took what little remained of the storyline and made it work.

Even with a hatefully stubborn protagonist, the story went on, kind of following the proper sequence of events. Had the plot had eyes, it would cry out every day, begging the protagonist to work with it. Just once...

Hard at work but with no thanks, the plot moved forward. Even as hearts grow dark and bitter, life goes on.


The crowds in the square were loud and festive, all the civilians content to go about their days. Times were unstable and no one knew when the next disaster might occur but those were matters to be settled by the immortals. Only they wanted things to return to normal.

So let the heavenly matter be handled by them and the mortal matters be settled on earth.

Yet the matter of immortals could not be passed off. On this chilly evening, an immortal was fleeing for his life.

The hooded figure slipped through the crowd, easily staying out of sight of the townspeople. He slipped into an alleyway, panting as he watched his pursuers rush by his hiding spot. After a few moments, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The man pulled off his hood, revealing the face a haggard looking Chenyu. His once pristine robes were stained and bloodied from his numerous bouts with his pursuers. Stress had added lines to his face that age couldn't imitate.

He struggles to catch his breath, this having been the first time in weeks he'd had any peace. He had tried to reach out to his former allies but for reasons unknown to him they all cut ties with him, treating him like a stranger.

His only hope was the lord of this city. If there was anyone who could shelter him from those demons wrath, it was Lord Han.

Though he was only a merchant, he was one of the more powerful men in the land, having accumulated such wealth and power, even cultivators showed that man respect. His city was nearly impenetrable, keeping those inside safe despite being so close to the demon's territory.

If he could just reach the lord of the city, he might be safe.


Elsewhere in that same city, a man slept restlessly, his hand clenched tight into his sheets.

"Shizun!" Caifeng called out, reaching out to grab something... that wasn't there. His shout echoed but he knew no one but him would hear. His quarters were cut off from the rest of the world, allowing him the solace of isolation when he wished.

Lying in his bed, the man stared into the darkness, with only the moonlight illuminating his toned body. Years of hardship had honed this body to perfection, strong and firm.

Yet he slept alone.

He thought back to his dream, his palms itching as he recalled it. He'd been wandering through a dark void, as he did every night. As far as he could see, blackness enveloped the world, driving his mad.

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