Chapter Eleven

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Being the most vunerable of the pack had its perks. fOR ONe, you never had to go up against crazy physchotic Alphas or have one-on-one fights with assassins. I was certainly not trusted to take down any type of supernatural creature. I was certainly out of harms way, aside from a few incidents when I almost got stampeded by a berserker and almost died because of Peter. But I wanted to feel powerful, instead of feeling so helpless, always waiting for scott or allison or stiles to come to the rescue. I wanted to be able to fight or at least defend myself even if i havent got any supernatural strength like Scott. But Allison didn't have any supernatural power, but she was strong, I guess I wanted to be more like her. 

The thing about Allisons cellar was that it was freezing, even with my layers I could still feel the dreadful cold climbing up my spine, I shivered. Allison was in gear, black as usual, she looked like a dark vengeful angel of death from my point of view, I felt sorry for those who actually were stupid enough to go against her, she grinned. The table was lined with a variety weapons. When she said she had a lot to choose from she wasn't joking. The weapons were lined across the large table, axes, throwing knives, guns and her bow and arrow. Allison said she wanted me to try out the weapons. 

“When I first started using the bow, my dad made me go through all of them, you eventually find a weapon which is good, that works perfectly for you. Mine happened to be the bow, yours could be anything.” She nodded, giving me permission to touch the weapons. The first thing I picked up was a gun, it was small but stealthy, it was a dark grey but it was awkward in my hands, as if it didn't fit just right between the palm of my hand. I shook my head.

“Let me just try something.” The idea popped in my head. I closed my eyes, blocking out any noise, as I would as if predicting something. And I lay out my head, moving it, skimming across the weapons, left, against the coldness of the blades, my hands touching their blades, as if feeling them, until I felt something warmer, warmer until i felt something hot, burning at the touch. I winced, opening my eyes.

“Beretta BU9” Allison said. It was silver, and it balanced in my palm, it fit perfectly as if made for me. 

“My dad uses two, one in each hand, and he always has a third one.” She grinned at me. 

“Maybe I should try one, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m a beginner.” I grinned.

“I’m pro.” Allison said, her voice triumphant. I stuck my tongue at her, making her shake her head, laughing to herself.

“Well, what do I do now.” Allison walked to the other side of the cellar. And pointed at something, that was under a large sheet, layered in dust. With a quick pull, it fell off removing a target.

“Try hit the bulls eye.” Allison said, her eyes glinting.

“I can’t, not without practice.” I crossed my arms, like a child.

“The weapon was destined for you. Now, hit bulls eye.” Allison took a side-step to the left.

I breathed in, closing my eyes, letting myself exhale and inhale, I opened my eyes. I can do this.

I held the gun up, squinting one eye so I could get the right angle.

“Hold it with two hands first.” I did as she said, the steel cold against my thumb. I put my hand on the trigger.

“Elbows in. You look like a chicken” Allison said. I gave her a glare, dripping in annoyance. I stuck my elbows in. 

I can do it.

I  pointed the Beretta at the bullseye, which was only a few centimeters radius. 

I can do it, the mantra in my head, staying stuck. I said the words, mumbling under my breath.

I pulled the trigger. If you have never used a gun, the noise is loud, it echoed in my ears. I glanced up and almost dropped the gun.

“Holy shit.” I said. Allison’s mouth was open and she looked at me.

“HOLY SHIT!” I screamed, jumping up and down. I had done it, I blinked a few times as if i was dreaming but the bullet had hit the centre of the bulls eye exactly.

“I told you it was made for you. Did it hurt your ears?” She asked, she looked happy and surprised.

“Yeah, louder because of the banshee thing. Can I try again?”

And so I did for an hour or so, only ever not hitting the bullseye when Allison distracted me. I felt an overwhelming feeling of pure joy. I tried with two, but Allison said I needed to work harder on that. 

“Now physical.” I groaned. Sport was my worst subject at school, I’d always break a sweat before everyone else, I hated it ever third grade. Allison was, as predicted, amazing at sport, she was one of the fastest and of course, agile. She had to be, as a hunter.

“It’s not that hard. Maybe self defense wouldd be a good start.” She came close to me so her face was close to mine. “Imagine I am, uh, a - bad dude. What would you do first?”

“Punch?” I said, thinking.

“No, don’t punch. You cant get enough power into the punch before he attacks.” Allison was a good teacher, I guess, I can imagine her dad teaching her this. It’s weird to remember how things were just two years ago, normal. We were so innocent, oblivious to the true secrets of beacon hils, and for Allison oblivious to her heritage. And me, to the fact that I was a banshee. I guess, if things were different I wouldn't be.

“Kick.” I stated. Allison stepped back, giving an approving smile.

“You have to be sort of wriggly, do whatever you can, bite, kick, elbow. But if you want to get someone on the ground…”

She demonstrated on the dummy, she had laying against the wall. It was a hard dummbie with a mask on. 

“The weak points are the shins. And groin, if its a dude.” She grinned. “If the assailant comes close, kick at the shins. Like this.” She kicked the dummy, and with a whack of her hand, slammed her palm into the dummy’s shoulder. “That’s how you get someone on the ground, okay? Don't forget the weak points. Foot, Shin, Nose, groin.”

I whispered the words under my breath, making sure the words would stick in my mind. It wasn't too hard to remember.

“But lets work on your punches, just in case.” Allison took off her cardigan, wrapping it around her waist instead, so the green fabric was areund her, falling up to her knees.

“If you need to punch someone you have to aim at the nose, if you put enough power into the punch, you can break their nose.” She stated, as she tied up her hair. I did the same, putting my hair in a high bun, a few strands falling into my eyes.

Allison ahd two punch bags, and two punch things that she slid on to her hands, that i supposedly had to punch. 

“Swing it backwards so it has more power.” I swung for her right glove. Before you punch things really hard, think it through, my fist slammed into it, sending a jolt of pain up my arm.

“Give me your hand.” Allison said. She grabbed my wrist. She wrapped my fingers in, and layer the thumb over, in a fist. “Dont keep your finger on the inside, it can break. Come on. Punch a little harder.” She gave me one of her reassuring smiles, which usually made me feel more confident or safer, but this time it didnt. I was terrible at this, I wasn't going to be stupefied by a few small compliments. But I sure as hell was going to give it my best shot.

“I am going to do it.” I wasn't sure if the promise was for me or for Allison. I thrustd my hand forward aiming for the punch glove. It hit the centre. Allison seemed surprised at my force. I grinned maybe this was going to be fine after all…

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