Chapter Eight

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Stiles POV

As I sat there, looking at her, she looked so still, motionless. She looked serene almost ethereal, like a painting. As if she were to wake up at any moment, I had walked in slowly, as if in fear of waking her. She had the hospital gown, even with that she looked beautiful. I hadn't realized I was crying until I tasted the salty tears in my mouth.

“Lydia?” I thought she could hear me, maybe she could, maybe she couldn’t. But at this point I didn't care.

“If you hear me, please wake up.” She stayed motionless, the bags under her eyes looked prominent, a vivid colour of mauve. I touched her cheek, hoping maybe she would regain colour in her white face.

“We’ve been through so much, but shouldn't that keep you going, keep you driven? You have to make it, because if you dont-“ My voice cracked, if se got hurt, someone would have to take care of me, the thought made sick. Lydia. Dead. The thought withered away, as if I had burnt it. 

“I wasn't kidding, Lydia. When I said that a year ago. The words were real.. I wasn't kidding when I said id go out of my mind if you died. Because I will, Lydia, I don't know what I would do without you. Because the feelings?”

I breathed in. “The Feelings i have for you since the third grade? They aren't gone. Theres no one.”

I hoped she’d wake, but she did, I gently held her hand, scared to squeeze it in case it would hurt her, she looked so fragile, so frail there on that white hospital bed, looking more dead than alive. “No one else but you.” I brought her hand, interlocked with mine, to my forehead. “Please, Lydia? Wake up.”

I guess I hoped for too much, I hoped she’d wake up with that smile of hers that reached her eyes and she’d mock me for being so silly, and get up from her bed and all would go back to normal. But she showed no signs of that, no signs at all. I kissed her hand. And I let it go and walked back into the hallway, wiping my face, hiding the tears, putting my wall back up.

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