Chapter Ten

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I didn't know why I had such an overwhelming happiness to leave the hospital, I got up and got changed. As I changed, I noticed the bruise that covered my side, I touched it, wincing. I was so fragile, I realised. Even being a banshee, I was nothing like Scott or Allison, I couldn't protect myself like Allison, I couldn't heal like Scott. I felt utterly useless, it was silly, but I wanted to use my abilities for the good, I wanted to save people. And I couldn't do that if I couldn't even protect myself. I wanted to ask Allison to help, but i was ashamed, but I decided to swallow my pride. The bones healed but it left a nasty bruised. The bruise was still purple, my skin blotched, it hurt. Alot. So with a lot of care, I put on my clothes that my mom had dropped off, a baggy jumper and trackies, I was glad they didn't hug my body. I assessed my self in the mirror, a cut above my eyebrow, and a large graze on my cheek, I looked terrible. But for the first time, I didn't care.

"Ready?" Melissa said from behind me. I nodded.

"Scott and Allison are outside." She mentioned. I felt something weird in my stomach, disappointment? I didn't know why, but I should be appreciating them. Socott was all smiles, of course, he gave me a reassuring squeeze of my hand. I knew I could fully put my trust in him, no matter the situation, he's always been there to catch us all when we fall, I think its amazing how he does it. He's so selfless, he always cared for his friends more than he did himself. Thats why I love him as my best friend. I laughed when I saw a bow and arrow on the back seat of the car, naturally Allison carried it around everywhere.

"You know me." She grinned, her arm over my shoulder.

"Stiles couldn't come." Scott blurted out. "He's grounded, but he kind of asked me to ask you to call him when you get home."

"Actually, call him now." Allison said. I gave them a questioning look.

"What's wrong with you two?" I eyed them suspiciously.

"Nothing."They said in unison, glaring at eachother. Allison handed me her phone, which was already calling Stiles.

"Hello?" Stiles said, his voice loud.

"Hi, it's Lydia. Uh, Allison and Scott told me to call?" I said, struggling for words. For some reason my stomach felt weird.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I could hear tapping over his voice, as if he were tapping something.

"I'm alive, bruised but alive." I reassured him.

"I wish I was-" He coughed, "I'm sorry Im not there. I cant leave the house."

"It's fine, you are probably busy anyway, seriously, im fine dont worry." Allison and Scott urged me on, grinning. "How are you?" I attempted.

"I'm just annoyed."

"Grounded, huh? Sounds fun. What did you do now, Stilinski?" I laughed.

"Who said I did anything?" I didn't have to see him to know he was grinning like an idiot, probably pouting which was a habit of his.

"Well, you have to be grounded for a reason." I leaned against the back of the car.

"I'll tell you later? Lydia? You might not know this....... But I'd go out of my way to make sure that you're okay." My heart jumped. I hadn't been expecting something like that. What did it mean?

"Stiles?" But he was already gone. I mouthed, "What the fuck?" But mainly to myself.

I whirled around, slightly ticked off and got in the car. I was glad for the warmth from the seats, i hugged my legs to my chest. Scott and Allison's hands were interlocked between them in front. I was happy for Allison, when she found Scott, she somewhat found herself, she found something that unlocked something in herself. They were somewhat almost perfect for each other, despite the fact her family are sadistic werewolf hunters, but other than that, its fine.


Her head whipped back, smiling as she always does. I felt awkward for ruining their little moment but I spoke anyway. "I need you to teach me how to fight." Her eyes widened, questioning. "Fight? Self-defence? Use like weapons?" I nodded.

"Uh, are you sure? I mean you - yeah. I will teach you. Tomorrow?" She grinned.

"I can help." Scott said, keeping his eyes on the road ahead, it was lucky he even had his permit, Scott was the most terrible driver in the history of bad drivers, and I'm deadly serious. We got stranded because he burst the tires and once he went so fast we narrowly missed a post.

"No, you have extra strength, wolf boy." I grinned, he hated when I called him wolf boy, he said it was a disregard of his abilities.

"Says the person who used to date a giant lizard." He replied. He always had a good comeback. Smartass.

"Mind you, he is no longer reptilian, but a werewolf." I corrected him.

"Yeah, yeah. Your sadistic psychotic ex boyfriend, who was a green slimy lizard." I whacked him with one of Allison's bows, as it slammed into the side of his head.

"No fair." He laughed, the car swerved. I put my seatbelt on. Allison gave me an alarming look.

"We are going to die." I said, gulping.

"Is that you being pessimistic or is that your banshee feeling?" He asked, turning. Allison whacked his arm, and he turned toward the road.


The car drive home remained ok, but we had a few bumps, and by a few i mean a lot.

We walked out the car. Allison came along side me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am." I reassured her.

"Don't you need a little time." She pointed at my side.

"No, I want to learn how to protect myself, okay? I need to. I feel as useless as it is." I said, containing my sadness and anger toward myself. I was so frail, it was a miracle I had escaped death so many times, but how long until my luck dries out. It was one of the things that kept me up at night, wondering, what I would do without Scott or Lydia. Even Stiles.

"You are not useless." She said, her voice firm, as if commanding. I could almost believe it.

"I bloody am. I mean, oh wow, I can scream a hell of a lot." I yelled.

Scott backed away, towards my lawn.

"Listen to me, Lydia Martin. Do you not realize what you do? What you have done for people? Remember the darach, we couldn't have saved those people, we saved Stiles, Sherrif and Scott's mom, because of you and your powers. So don't even suggest it, you are not even close to being useless. You think you are but you aren't. Think about them, they'd be dead if it were not for you." She was serious, I could see the look in her eye, angry. Not at me but at the thought.

"I know but-"

"I'll teach you. How to punch someone or even to use arrows or whatever. I will do it." I looked up at her, the height difference seemed prominent, and I smiled. Not just for that, but for what me and Allison have become. I was proud of us. Of all of us. I said my goodbyes and I walked into my house, ready to face my mom, who was probably worried sick.

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