Chapter 12- Crush

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"So... What was it like?" Winwin asked, grinning at me and Yuta. I blushed while Yuta answered, "I can't even explain the feeling bro!"

"There's no difference between the sex we have and the sex humans have," Lucas stated. "The only difference is we're immortal and filled with powers."

"Nevertheless, it's great," Yuqi said, kissing Lucas, making everyone laugh.

"It's good that you took this step, your bond has become stronger now," Taeyong said with a smile.

There was a knock on the door before Yangyang came in, looking all nervous. Ten immediately stood up straight.

"What's wrong, Yangyang?" Ten asked, worried for the younger one.

"I... Umm..." He hesitated. "I don't know... I... Nevermind."

"Are you okay? Did anything happen?" Yuta asked, getting worried too.

"Yes and no, I just think that I like someone," He said really fast and if we were human, we wouldn't be able to make out what he said.

Ten looked relieved before he chuckled and ruffled Yangyang's hair. "Who is this person that has managed to capture your unbeating heart?"

"Well, umm... The thing is," He hesitated again before taking a deep breath. "She's... a witch."

And that was bad. Vampires hate witches just as much as they hate werewolves and vice versa. It was very rare to see a witch since majority of them died in their own war, and if you ever even walked past an angry witch, you'd probably be cursed for the rest of your life.

"Absolutely not!" XiaoJun protested. "I wouldn't care if it was any other creature, but come on Yangyang! A witch? Seriously?"

Yangyang sighed and looked away. "She's not like the rest of them," He said softly. "Maybe that's why I've fallen in love with her."

"Love is a really strong word, Yangyang. Do you think you... actually love her or are you just attracted to her?" Kun asked, choosing his words carefully.

"I knew I'd fallen in love with her when I realized that she could kill me easily but I'm willing to let that happen cause it's better me dead than her."

The room was dead silent until Jieun chuckled. "That was just so cute!"

"She's a witch, it's too dangerous," Jungwoo said softly. "We can't trust her yet."

"Will you guys give her a chance?" Yangyang asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

The boys were about to protest but Jieun cut them off. "Yes, we will. If you guys are that hesitant, I'll just put a protection spell around the area."

"How effective is it, babe?" Jaemin asked his girlfriend, intertwining their hands.

"Well, you guys can't use any of your powers and neither can anyone else, except for me and Taehee."

"Yeah, absolutely not," Renjun said, rolling his eyes. "I can't not use my powers even if it's for a little while."

Yangyang looked so sad, it was heartbreaking to me. I saw Yuta glance at him a couple of times.

"I'd like to meet her," Yuta said. "If she's making you happy, then we all will meet her. The decision is final, I don't want to hear anyone protesting."


End of chapter 12.
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Y'alllll, ya girl just turned another year older today!! I was gonna post 2 chapters today but I haven't finished writing it cause my friends and family have been constantly begging me to celebrate my birthday and I finally agreed!
Anyway, thank you all for your love and support throughout! I feel so blessed. ♥

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