Chapter 17- Death and Dying

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Yuta's POV

Ryuna broke the kiss.

She smirked before laughing evilly. "Oh, my beloved Vampire King, did you really think that you could kill me that easily? I'm not an ordinary witch, honey, I'm a demonic one."

"What do you mean?" I tried to play stupid, hoping that she didn't see the dagger.

"Hah! I can literally smell angel tears here," She scoffed, scrunching her nose in disgust. "Not very pleasant, but that means you have the poison dagger and you're going to kill—"

I cut her off by quickly pushing her onto her back on the floor, pinning her down underneath my body. She struggled for a few seconds before she chanted a spell, making me yell and scrunch my eyes at the sharp pain in my head. I was now under her and she began chanting something else, making my whole body feel like it's on fire. I was getting weaker and weaker but I still tried to get her off me. It was of no use though; her spells were too strong for me.

"I wish I could end you, King," She said, her voice laced with venom as I groaned out in pain. "But lucky you! You might be of great use to me! And of course, you're too handsome to kill! I wouldn't want to kill such a pretty face although it's so tempting," She chanted another spell, making me feel like as if someone cut open my hard diamond-like body.

In a second, she was thrown off of me and the pain reduced a bit. My eyes were still shut but I could hear multiple people at once.

"Taeyong hyung!"

"Get to Yuta!"


"The dagger!"

"Get the place surrounded! We can't let her escape!"

"Hold that witch down!"

"Yuta... s-stay with me," I heard my angel whisper shakily beside me. "You'll be okay, you'll be fine, you just need to stay with me, love." I tried to respond to her, but I wasn't able to.

What was happening? Why am I not able to open my eyes or my mouth? Was I dying? Was I already dead?

"Yuta! Please, stay with me! You can't go! You can't leave me! Please!" Taehee whisper-yelled, letting out a sob. "XiaoJun! Yiren!"

"I'm trying but I'm not able to do anything, the spell is too powerful," XiaoJun said hurriedly and I felt his hand on my chest. "Yiren, is there any other way?"

"I know nothing about the spell she used," Yiren said softly. "We need to be patient."

"Can't we take him to the castle now?" Yangyang asked.

"No, witchs' spells get more powerful at a farther distance from their victim. So if he's away from Ryu—"

A loud sound like thunder and an ear-piercing scream was heard. I instantly felt all the pain leave my body. The last thing I heard was many sighs of relief and a "we did it, she's dead," from Jieun, before everything went pin-drop silent. 


End of chapter 17.
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