Chapter 14- Demonic Witch

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"What...?" Yuta mumbled in shock. "A demonic witch? How is that even possible?"

"It's true, King," Yiren said worriedly. "I can sense that you were kissed by her a couple of minutes ago."

"What?!" Jieun half-yelled. I had no idea about what was happening. "Can Taehee remove the poison, Yiren?"

"No, it's too deep now, Taehee will die if she tries," She explained. "How many times have you been kissed by her, King?"

"I haven't kissed any witch, let alone a demonic one!" Yuta exclaimed in frustration.

"But King, Ryuna's scent is all over you right now," Yiren said softly. The room was dead silent before everyone gasped, "RYUNA?!"

"Wait, but isn't she an angel?!" Taeil asked.

"Of course not! Couldn't you sense it?"

"I thought there was something wrong with me cause I was the only one who couldn't sense that she isn't an angel," I said, relieved that there wasn't anything wrong with me. "Looks like I was right."

"That means she used the camouflage spell," Yiren explained. "Demonic witches are more powerful than normal witches like me."

"What's going to happen to Yuta hyung now?" Jisung asked, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Every kiss transfers a certain amount of manipulative poison," Yiren explained. "It'll slowly flow to his unbeating heart and turn him into a demonic vampire under her control."

I didn't know what to think or feel. I was so scared for the man I love. I glanced at Yuta's emotionless face. "So, we kill her?" Yuta asked nonchalantly, but I knew he was freaking out inside. 

"Yes, that's the only way. But we have a problem," Yiren said with a sigh.

"What's the problem?" Jaemin and Jeno asked in unison.

"Yuta and Jieun are the only ones who can kill her. It might be a little too dangerous for Jieun because certain demonic witch spells on fairies can cause them to turn very weak."

"But I'm weaker than Jieun," Yuta mumbled. "I just realized that Ryuna had me under her control through manipulative eye contact and that's how she kept kissing me."

"You're right, that's how she manipulated you," Yiren agreed. "But you should be the one to kill her, King."

"How? Wouldn't she do the same thing to me?"

"That's only if you make eye contact. I have a plan; I'll make a demonic poison dagger."

"What's that?" Hendery asked. "I have never heard of it."

"Same, I guess we're pretty dumb," Yangyang agreed.

"If I ain't wrong, the poison of the dagger is a mixture of a vampire's venom and an angel's tears," Kun said.

"You're really smart for a vampire," Yiren said with a chuckle before turning to me and Yuta. "So, Yuta and Taehee, get ready to help me out, it's gonna be a long process!"


End of chapter 14.
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