Chapter 12: Tartarus

Start from the beginning

"Can't believe we're meeting the wicked fairy who seduced you husband" Demeter muttered at her daughter.

"Hush, mother" Persephone glared at her mother.

"I'm just saying that we can turn her into a lizard forever if you wanted" Demeter smirked at the idea.

"Mother" Persephone turned to her, warning her one more time. Demeter stayed quiet as the group entered the living room.

"Mom" Mal called out. "Mom! It's me -"

"Mal" The dark fairy appeared out of nowhere, a smog of green fire around her. Her bright green eyes looked at everyone in the room, landing at the sight of the underworld god. She hissed, "Hades"

"Maleficent" The greek god nodded at the woman. She looked at his family.

"I see you went back to the tramp that you scared off all those years ago" Maleficent went to go sit at her dark purple thrown. Demeter glared at her. The horned woman waved her hand. "Well, what is it?"

"My youngest daughter, (y/n)" Persephone took a step toward the fairy. "She disappeared from the destruction of her father's mine. Mal says that you can help"

"You know how to use a locator spell, right?" Mal stood in front of her mother. "I saw it once in your spellbook. I would do it myself but I'm not-"

"Not powerful enough" Maleficent finished her daughter's statement. She shook her head in disappointment. "Oh, Mal. I gave you that spellbook so you can learn and look what you decided to do, make us villains and heroes sing kumbaya"

"This isn't about that, mother" Mal pleaded.

"No, it's not. This about helping your father find his youngest daughter - your older half-sister" Maleficent stood up.

"Mother -"

"Mistress of Evil" Everyone looked at Persephone. The spring goddess was bowing, her head low. "That is the title everyone addresses you as, but I only see you as the only option to find my daughter. Mother to mother, I beg you, please help me find my daughter"

Maleficent was silent. Soon, Demeter and her grandchildren all bowed to the wicked fairy. Hades too. A smug smirk formed on the dragon's lips. She looked at Mal. "Okay, I'll find the young goddess for you"

You stared at everything around you. Hellfire surrounded you, the wailing of people in pain reached your ears, active volcanoes acted as guards of the area, and skeletons of birds flew by in the sunless sky. You gasped as you realized where you were at.


The most dangerous part of the underworld. It's the prison for monsters, horrible criminals, and the rivals to the gods are sent here. It's the imprisoned home to the titans, cyclops, and hecatonchires.

You wondered how you got here. You were on the Isle, in Hades' home, about to be crushed to death by the mine, and now you're here. The last thing you remember was pushing Harry of the way to save him from the self-destructing cave. You remember covering your body with your arms, your blue flames surrounding you. How did you get here? The sudden roar of a mysterious monster, or monsters, scared you out of your thoughts.

On instinct, you began to run. You have no idea as to where you're going, but you know for a fact that there is an exit to this place. Your mother had taught you underworld geology when you were five, you should know everything about this place by now. A part of Tartarus would be an exit and lead you to the Fields of Mourning.

"Agh!" You cried in pain as a soul grabbed hold of your leg. Your blue flames disintegrated the arm. A burn mark laid around your ankle. Even if you were immortal, you still felt pain. The roars got louder. You focused back on running.

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