Chapter Seven

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“I reckon we should get a cat.” I heard George mutter to no one in particular as we enter the house. I lower Theo and watched him dash to his room, probably to read more about the space.

He was tinkering with Dad’s telescope the other day after dragging it out of my parent’s room and placing it to his. I made a mental note to try and fix it for him soon.

I made it to my room and fell face flat on my bed. It was Friday afternoon and the house is quiet, which is relaxing as much as it is alarming.

My siblings are all in their own rooms with their doors closed, a rare occasion. I can’t help but worry, which I do an awful lot lately. It doesn’t really surprise me anymore.

It has been a week since Xander started teaching me sign languages. He was a pain in the ass, but I am actually learning something so I can look pass his random mood swings.

I look at the clock on my bedside table and realized it was 15 minutes past the time Xander was supposed to arrive. I am not big on being time conscious, well maybe I am a bit, but he was never late. He wasn’t at school today which pretty much explains why he isn’t here, but he never told me we aren’t meeting today. Should I text him? Why am I worried?

Thinking none of it, I grabbed my phone and sent a quick message to Xander asking him where he is. The message was sent, but it wasn’t delivered. What is he up to?

Accepting that he most probably won’t reply, I made my way out of my room to the kitchen to make a little snack for my siblings. Well, after lounging in the living room for a while that is.

I made my way to the stairs when I heard soft sobs coming from Cassie’s bedroom. I frowned and immediately made my way to her room. Knocking, there was no answer so I opened the door nonetheless.

There I saw Cassie hugging her knees staring at our family photo, the last we had taken before everything changed.

I immediately sat in front of her. She seems shocked to find me already sitting there in front of her; she might have been pretty much out of it.

“Cassie, sweetheart. What’s wrong?” I caressed her hair gently. It hurts me seeing my sister cry and I can’t do anything to ease the pain. Heck, I don’t even know what she is crying about. What kind of a sister am I?

“It’s nothing, Ana. I just watched a movie about a dog and how he died.” She murmured softly, wiping her cheeks with her knuckles.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” As much as I want to shake the answer out of her, I respect my siblings more than anything. I want them to feel like they can tell me anything out of their own accord.

There is something really bugging her, but I don’t want to pry. I just hope she’d tell me soon. Knowing this, I did the next right thing. I hugged her murmuring words of encouragement.

“Out of all my blessing, you five are my favorites” I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead. Cassie gave me a faint smile but I knew it’s genuine. I tapped her nose and went outside.

There goes my few moments of lounging in the living room, I thought as I did a little cleaning around the house. After picking up and arranging the few things lying around, I decided to make cheese sticks for a late afternoon snack.

With Xander ditching me for whatever reason he has, I have enough time to whip out something for my siblings other than sliced fruits.

“Guys, I made cheese sticks.” I yelled out as I place the bowl of cheese sticks on the table, along with sliced oranges.

Xander & TatiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant