Chapter Two

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George never got to answer since we heard Cassandra's, or Cassie as we call her, thundering footsteps and saw her zooming past George's door while giggling. Her brown hair was a mess, the right side was braided while the other half is in tangles. At least she has her uniform on already, I thought to myself. Cassie is 10 years old and currently in 4th grade. Her hazel browm eyes sparks with mischief as she narrates some of her endeavors, as she calls it, in the jungle she calls middleschool.

Cassie's was followed by a grunting Seb carrying a smiling Theodore with his left arm while holding a hair comb on the right. I stifled a laugh and went for the door.

"Cassandra Ocean Sinclair, I told you not to run while going downstairs!" I shouted while taking the hair comb from Sebastian's hand then kissed Theo's rosy cheek. His hazel brown eyes sparkled when they saw me and reach up for me, he wants me to carry him.

I shook my head still smiling and
saw him pouting slightly so I reached to fluff his brown hair while Seb walks away, most likely going to the kitchen.

Theo is 5 years old and is in preschool . They both have to wear uniforms and Seb helps them prepare every morning. He may grunt and scowl the whole time but I know he secretly
loves helping the two munchkins. George closed his door behind him and we went downstairs.

"I expect my face to be exquisitely and beautifully made in that sketch" I told him to remove the tense atmosphere a while ago.

He just laughed and answered, "Sorry Ana, but my sketches don't lie". He walked away even before I have the chance to smack him in the head. I entered the dining area and found my siblings eating breakfast.

I saw Seb helping Theo eat his
pancakes but mostly lets him eat on his own. Sinclair household values independence. George sat across Seb and beside Sam.

They started arguing about the color hues and palettes and I zoned them out because my non-existent artsy bone is hurting. I can actually do art pretty well but compared to them, mine might as well be stick figures.

I walked towards Cassie who sits beside Sam and tried to tame the bird's nest she calls her hair. I combed the tangles and braids the other side. It looks longer and thinner than the other one but who cares. She goes to school, not New York fashion week.

By the time I finished Cassie's hair, it was already 7:20 AM. Classes starts at 8:15 AM, even for Theodore. It's is a huge plus since I still have to take him to the preschool department which is on the other side of Ridge Wood School, a 3-minute walk to the high school department.

I hurriedly ate my breakfast while they placed their dishes on
the sink. Seb went to put the snacks and lunch I prepared for Theo on his Spiderman lunch box. It was already 7:35 AM
when all of us went out the front door. I was the last want to go out, making last minute checks since I happen to like coming
home to an undamaged house. I took the key to the minivan from our right hand wooden figurine, it is literally an open palm, beside the front door where all our keys are organized.

We all piled in the minivan, tossing our backpacks in the farthest seat at the back. Seb always sits at the passenger seat and no one can tell him otherwise. Theo sits between the twins and Cassie beside George. It was the last Friday of the month and I remembered that I have to do the groceries tomorrow which I am absolutely excited about, sans sarcasm.

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