Chapter Three

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Yay! An update, and a long one at that!


I made my way towards my locker and opened it while humming a song that has been stuck in my head since last night.

It pisses me off because I can’t remember the title. It's by a Filipino band called Ben&Ben, something about night and hope. I often listen to Original Pinoy Music since my mom loves it so much.

I gazed at the picture attached on my locker’s door. It was a photo of the Sinclair family taken last Christmas. For me, it was the best Christmas because it was Theodore's first family celebration with us, and the last family celebration before everything change. He was such a cute baby.

Then, I remembered the familiar person back in Theo’s preschool department. What are the odds
of seeing Alexander Black when we were literally just talking about him this morning?

Honestly, I’m not even surprised. I have this knack of experiencing weird coincidences. One time when I was walking Bullet, our golden retriever, in the park and sang a random line of a song at the exact time a phone rang somewhere blaring loudly the same lyrics. It was pretty weird, and scary.

I also remembered back in freshmen year. I was talking about a platypus to Max, and during lunch Bradley Braces showed us his pet. Who brings their pet in school? And a platypus for that matter. I have encountered way too many experiences like this, I am not even surprised of seeing Alexander.

It came to a point where I started ranting about Taylor Swift at random times of the day, wishing she’d show up at my house in time for dinner. Until now she
didn’t, but I still have my fingers crossed.

I was getting the books I need for this morning’s classes while shoving the books I won’t need until later after lunch. Suddenly, a hand slammed on my locker door effectively closing it, almost amputating my arm in the process.

I met the person’s light blue eyes with a glare, as she squeaked an audible “sorry” while tucking her short light brown hair behind her ears making me notice her aquamarine colored nails. I’m pretty sure it was peach colored yesterday.

“Hey, watch out. You almost cost me an arm. What’s got your tails in a twist?” I said to her while she composes herself, checking if her soft pink collared sweater is still properly tucked in, in her high-waist sky blue skirt that ends at her mid-thighs.

“I’m sorry. Bradley Braces is chasing me at the front steps again. How many times should a girl say no just to get the bloody point across.” She answered with a slight accent.

Classic Maxine Felicity Weber, my best friend since her family moved here from London when we were in the 3rd grade. We have been inseparable ever since, and I wonder why.

With her love for anything pastel and make-up, it seems like a unicorn puked on her and created a mess, a beautiful mess nonetheless.

“From where I’m looking, probably not enough” I answered while looking at the end of the hallway to see Bradley sneaking glimpse at my best friend. She was about to look behind her when I shook my head. She seems to know what I’m talking about and released an exasperated sigh to which I laughed.

She rolled her eyes and proceeds to ask how Theodore is. Yes, everyone loves my adorable brother.

“He is doing well. He’s pretty much a master of it now. I am so relieved that the preschool department offers sign language lessons.” I answered while leaning into my locker. Speaking of lessons, how am I going to ask Alexander?

Xander & TatiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora