A blinding white end

Start from the beginning

Once their grip was fine they stand and sprint up the tower.


Ruby was the first to make it up the tower and jumped up high into the air. From this spot, she can see Pyrrha on her knees and Cinder aiming an arrow.

She used her semblance to dash down to the ground but didn't exactly know where she was going. She appears right in the arrow direction and it goes right through her left lenses and right into her eye.

Cinder: the hell?

Ruby falls to the ground and Pyrrha stares horrified.

Cinder: I'll just kill you both.

Ruby looked over and seen Cinder aiming once again. jade reached the top as well and seen what had happened.

His eye burns up and glows as Ruby's does the same. Bright, snow white light shot through their eyes and covered everything around them. Even the people from the ship port could see what had happened.

After all that, Cinder somehow managed to escape but they left the wyvern frozen in stone.

This imperfect attack also rendered both Jade and Ruby unconscious on the ground. Pyrrha also was knocked unconscious from exhaustion. 

A little white bird appears and turns into Summer.

A red portal opens and Raven walks through.

Summer: Raven...

Raven: Summer... Listen. These kids are hurt. I'm not here to fight, I want to save Jade.

Summer scowls.

Summer: bring him to patch! If he's not there you will regret it. I won't go easy on you like last time.

Raven: whatever. Get those two medical attention and I'll get Jade to Patch. Actually, it looks like you'll have to make yourself known if you want to help? How about I take those two over to sweet ol' Lily?

Summer looked away thinking.

Raven: clocks ticking!

Summer: fine! You take those two to Lily! I'll get Jade! As much as I don't want to give you two people, I don't have a choice!

Raven: looks like we can agree on something for once.

Raven and Summer trade places and Raven looks to the knocked out children.

Raven: also, I not lying-

She turned around to see Summer and Jade gone.

Raven: well, I should actually get these two to Lily..... oooh, she won't be walking for a while...


Jade awakens in a room that was familiar yet not to him.

He feels something on his hand and looked to see Ruby gripping his hand from the other bed.

Jade: Ruby...?

He said tiredly. He then noticed the eye patch she had on.

Jade: no...

Raven: you're awake! JADE'S AWAKE!

He then hears a dish break, Ruby gasp, and three people running up the steps.

They all busted into the room scaring both Jade and Ruby.

Lily: you're awake!

Qrow: I don't have to bury you!

Tai: what the fuck, Qrow.

Qrow: we all know no one else would've done it.

Raven: I'd bury Ruby.

Lily: besides those idiots, How do you two feel?!

Tai: hey wait-

Lily: shut up! who's a doctor here?

Tai: fair point... fair point...

He said while nodding his head and backing away.


Lily does a quick examination of the two and they were both perfect. unusually perfect for Jade.

Lily: your leg...?

Jade: I thought I completely destroyed it. I'm guessing I shouldn't walk?

Lily: no actually, you can walk all you want! It's weird but I don't know why. Just tell me if you have any pain.

She said to Ruby and Jade. They both nod and she heads out the room.

Ruby: I'm still a bit confused... I remember my eye getting stabbed out, but nothing after that...

Tai walked over and pulled up a chair.

Tai: well... Raven brought you back here and Jade arrived with Lily.

Ruby: oh. Wait! Yang! Is she alright?!

Tai looked away letting out a little sigh.

Jade: our injuries are minor to what she has to go through. After all, she lost her whole arm.

Qrow: it's not easy fighting half blind, kid.

Jade: it is when you have a mysterious and mystical sense protecting you from every direction.

Raven: that right, huh? Then what's up with the eyes?

Jade: I never said our reaction speed was perfect.

He crossed his arms.

Tai: past all this. I'm just glad my girls are back home.

Qrow roller his eyes making Raven snicker.

Tai then peeked at Jade.

Tai: and! And- and boy!

Jade: yeah, yeah... I'll get the rundown from Lily. I need something to eat.

Raven/Qrow: well come on, kid.

They looked to each other.

Raven: Jade. You wanna come with me, right?

Qrow: I think I'm a little more important in his life.

They glare at each other.

Jade: uh. I think I'm gonna go with the person who's been in my life since the beginning. Peace!

He teleports away.

Tai sighs.

Tai: Raven, why are you even here?

Raven: what? I wanted to see my favorite child.

Qrow: which is not your own?

Raven: yup. Jade's my favorite.

Ruby: but isn't Yang your daughter?

Raven: Yang is-!

Qrow covered her mouth.

Qrow: we don't talk about these things with her. Got it?

Raven rolled her eyes and took his hand off her mouth.

Raven: don't touch me until you can see straight, you drunk.

She walked out of the room.

Qrow: jeez.

He then checked for his flask and felt nothing.

Qrow: great.... there are two possible culprits as well...

End of chapter 15 volume 3

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