Another six months passed and one day I don't go home. I stay at boss's mansion helping him with everything. My mark starts burning and my body feels like it is on fire but the drug I took numbs everything.

I have been gone for two weeks. "Go home Dom." Boss says making me shake my head. There was pounding on the door making Boss answer it. I zone out hanging upside down from the bar I installed. "Dom! It's for you!" Boss yelled as my eyes closed I shake my head. "Oh come on! Dom! Shit! I'm sorry I didn't know." Boss yelled before I felt someone touch me my glowing blue eyes opened and I saw it was just Sam making me shrug closing my eyes. "Really not going to talk." Sam says before I shake my head. Then someone else touched me. "Jesus christ Sam you didn't tell me it was this bad." Dean says making me stiffen and cry as my eyes glowing brighter blue. "Not real." I chanted grabbing my head curling up.

"What does the mark say?" Dean asked as my eyes opened looking at Dean than at Boss I fall off the bar landing on my feet tilting my head before tackling him in a hug crying. "I never stopped looking for you. But the last two weeks I couldn't do it anymore and I'm sorry I gave up." I rambled crying harder until I couldn't talk anymore. "Hey it's okay I'm not mad. It was a year you never gave up and for that thank you." Dean says picking me up. "Let's go home." Dean says grabbing my keys leaving.

When Dean carried me through the door everyone rushed over. "Where was she?" They asked. "Boss's getting high. You guys didn't tell me it was this bad." Dean replied. "There is a new Dom and it's bad. How can you not figure that out." Taz scuffed looking at me as my eyes glazed over dulling the blue. "Oh shit not that drug." Taz groaned. "Yes that one. Now I need to get her into the bathroom." Dean replied sadly as everyone parted for him. "Need help with her?" Sam asked. "You done enough Sam. You didn't try stopping her. I got her." Dean scuffed closing my door with his foot.

After giving me a shower he ran a bath for us. "I'm sorry I didn't know that was going to happen. And Gabe found me and told me the message. I killed both of them so they couldn't come back." Dean says holding me. "I came back as soon as I could." He added.

After a day I wake up covered in sweat and making my way to the kitchen stumbling. "Here we go." Taz says as I come in searching for painkillers. Finally giving up grabbing coffee. I open the freezer moaning as the cold hits my skin. "Dom?" Taz asked me making me look at him. "Say something please!" He begs but I slam the door closed grabbing coffee chugging it before I bolt to the bathroom slamming the door before puking in the toilet.

After coming out I look for my keys and phones. "Yeah your not going anywhere." The brothers say. "I have to go to work." I say emotionless. "Already talked to Boss." Dean replied as I grabbed my head. "Let me go." I whimper as I backed to the door running into Jason. "No not this time Dom." Jason sighed before I roared shaking my house. "Let me go!" I roared my eyes glowing green as I floated up. "No not until you are clean." They say together as I start sweating falling to the floor screaming. "You can't keep me here!" I roared shaking my house flinging Jason as I run to the door. "Shit! Stop her!" Jason yelled as I pull the door open running away.

I felt a force push me down to my knees but I fought it running faster. "Sam she's fighting it it's not working." Dean says chasing me. They eventually got me and used my chains. I fight with everything I have but nothing worked. "Let me go! It hurts!" I screamed struggling almost snapping the chain but Jason snapped his fingers tightening them. "No not until your clean." Jason says before I screamed.

"No you guys can't do this!" I roared as Dean picks me up and over his shoulder. "Trust me pet we can and will. Scream all you want but it's not going to change anything." Dean says walking back to the house. I screamed and struggled the whole way.

"This is going to suck." Everyone groaned as Dean tossed me on my bed. "Yes but it's this or losing her." Dean replied as I screamed struggling. "Let me go!" I screamed. "Not happening." Dean growls chaining my wrists to the bed. "No!" I roared struggling. "Dom what were you thinking." Babe says. "Nothing else worked and I gave up." I mumbled before passing out from the pain. "Jesus this is going to be a long two weeks." Jason sighed as I whimper in my sleep soaking my bed with sweat.

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