Chapter 9

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I groan awake. "Please be 4 Please be 4." I whispered getting up to check the time. 3:58am I sighed turning on the coffee machine. I grab my clothes tapping my foot. 3:59am I sighed. "Come on come on." I whispered. 4AM I run into the bathroom stripping before jumping in. "Oh fucking hell ow!" I groaned as the water hits my belly.

I dressed in black and red shorts, red socks with my boots. I put a red bra on peeking my head out the door. "You up?" I whispered making Jason crack open an eye. "I forgot to ask where the kit was. I need to wrap it." I say showing him. "Goddamit! Come here." Jason sighed I look down. "Oops." I whispered going over as he fixed it. "No gym." Jason says.

"What? I like gym! Well I like art but gym is second. Please I'll be careful." I begged. "No we agree with him." The brothers come over grabbing coffee. "Oh come on! That's bullshit!" I shouted turning around stomping in the bathroom slamming the door. I putting on deodorant and my dark red tshirt. I brush my teeth floss and use mouthwash putting on red makeup with red cat eye contacts. I pull my hair into high pigtails before curling the ends. I look like killer the makeup like the crow only red.

I opened the door going over to my bag I pulled out a red spiked collar with ococcisor on the front and grab my Togo cup filling it. "Your going to be sent home." Jason sighed. "Watch me." I whispered turning around making Sam jump back. "Oh come on! Really?" Sam shouted. "I think she looks sexy Sammy." Dean says biting his lip. "What is it this time? I don't look scary." I groan lighting up hopping up on the counter. "The face and eyes." Sam says. "This is all of me take it or leave it, but I'm not changing. I don't dress like this all the time but when I do, I do. I don't dress up like a clown clown too happy and creepy for me." I say. "All work and no play makes me a dull boy." I sing almost shouting in a deep voice. "All work and no play makes me a dull boy." Jason joined in. I hop up. "All work and no play makes me a dull boy." I sing before we shout. "All work and no play makes me a dull boy!" We screamed as I start banging my head. "Oh my God it's to early for this." Sam groaned.

"Shit got to go I'll pick you up in an hour." I say jumping down. "Would you stop being you and not pop your stitches!" Jason yelled. "Nope never wouldn't be me than." I giggled doing Betty Boop voice. Twirling my hair. I grab my coat and purse. "Keys?" I asked. "Visor like always, we need to check out the vehicles tonight. And keep your eyes open for them." Jason says. "Um phone?" I asked. "Wherever you put it." Jason sighed. I ran to my car wincing at the blood. "What the fuck! I didn't bleed that much." I yelled. "You don't have to take it today I forgot take my cars or the truck." Jason says before I grab my phone pulling out the button, I run over to the truck climbing in. "You know we have two trucks now the other it lifted higher." I say before closing the door starting it pulling into the lift.

I go to the store knocking on the door someone opens it. "I'll give you 300 if you let me shop Please I have school soon and I need a couple of things." I beg the men showing him the money. "Fine hurry up and just this once." He say moving aside, I take off grabbing red and black gym shorts, black and red tshirts and black gym shoes. I run over to the guy giving him the money. "How much for this?" I asked grabbing a bag. "The 300 you gave me is fine just go." He says letting me out. "Thank you sir have a good day." I say. "You too killer." He says making me turn but he was gone making me jump into the truck peeling off speeding back.

I turn the truck off panting I stare at the car when the door opens. I panic and start shaking. "What happened Dom." Jason sighed. "I I I I d d didn't t t tell h h him m m my n n n name. He k k knew I I I it w w was m m me." I stuttered out. "What name? Killer or Dom? Because you're dressed as killer." Jason says as I take a deep breath. "I've never seen the guy before Jason and killer didn't hang around here there's no way he knows me and no one knows that she goes to school. Unless he knew Latin but that can't be because he never seen my face." I rushed out. "Ssshhh Jesus! Your rambling. Your fine I promise. No viper tattoos?" Jason asked. "I was rushing to get whatever I needed and get out. The last word was killer and I turned around and he was gone." I rushed out.

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