Chapter 14

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Schools starting again I'm going to be a freshman and Dean a sophomore and Sam in 8th. I haven't gotten anything else done since that night. "I'm going shopping wanna come along?" I asked picking up my purse. "What are you getting?" Jason asked. "Back to school shopping. Wanna come and get more supplies since I can't? I want to start up again." I say rubbing my hair in the back that grown out. "Yeah sure." Jason chuckled before his eyes glow making me sigh. "Fine nightmare." I say before turning. "You guys want to come?" I asked the brothers. "Sure, no hitting me this time." Dean replied getting into killmare. "You I need more clothes." Sam says before getting in.

I climbed in starting it playing twiztid it roars to life. "Thank you Dom." Nightmare says before leaving. We let them come out whenever but not around people. I pull out speeding away. We moved into a bigger place two rooms big enough to get all the vehicles in. I've raced but only for money my artwork is causing more clients, the brothers haven't asked for another tattoo but I haven't gotten anything done. We've been hunting and they're not afraid of that side.

I pull up to the mall getting out. "Okay let's go." I say locking up. Sam's upset that I won't be going to school with him, however Dean's happy. Sam's going to school early so Dean and I are on time I told him it's only for a year and than we be in the same school and with Dean. "Babe are you still pouting?" I asked holding on to his side. "No." Sam grumbles. "Come on babe cheer up, I'm sure I'm going to have to fight off chicks." I kiss his neck making him chuckle remembering the same we were fighting and I was giving him the cold shoulder when this chick walked up to flirt with him I growl pushing her away saying 'fuck off bitch he's mine.'

"That was funny. Poor girl." Sam laughed. "Beside it's my turn to share a locker with her Sammy." Dean replied holding my other side. "Jerk." Sam says. "Bitch." Dean replied. We go in and I pause. "What? Wait I know that look." Jason says sighing. "Oh come on don't give me that, it's time." I say before skipping off. "You were keeping me warm! Whore." Dean pouts. I spin around "asshole." I start skipping again.

I get black and green clothes picking up getting a black leather trench coat as well as another biker jacket. The brothers matching me. Getting us combat boots, gym clothes and shoes. Also grabbing party clothes and heeled boots. I grab rings two masters and one slave I also grab some. Whore, slut, brat.  For me and dick and bitch for Sam and Dean Jerk and asshole. I get one for Jason says Asshat. Stupid I know but I think it's funny. The brothers have yet to find a word for him and the same for him. I grab two big choke chains, hey you never know. Getting more makeup and pick up my contacts handing Jason his.

We ended up filling the back up completely before heading to get more supplies. "Fill up on everything." I say rolling down the window before lighting up. "So school supplies?" I asked taking a drag. "Yep. And whatever else you want." Dean replied making my tilt my head smirking. "Goddamit Dean." Sam grumbles punching his arm. "Well I have wanted to decorate our room. But I'm needing monster more room in the trunk, don't worry I'll drop you guys off first unless you want to come?" I say taking another drag. "We would love to come right Sammy?" Dean says punching him back. "Oh yes love to." Sam says punching Dean. I roll my eyes taking another drag. "You talk to your dad?" I asked them. "Not since he enrolled us. He asked to come over. And I told him we have to talk to you." Dean replied freezing. "You know I don't care. It's you that tells him no. He misses his boys let him come over, I already talked to Jason and he said killer and nightmare will not come out whenever he is around. If you're worried about your tattoo on your neck I got makeup and you both have turtlenecks shirts." I say turning around taking a drag moaning popping my back.

"I'm afraid of you slipping up, or telling him what's inside you." Sam says before leaning back. "He's your father and he misses you don't be a dick." I growled taking my last drag angry flicking it outside. "I will call him if you don't." I exhale smoke through my nose. "Don't even think about it." Dean growls. "Than you fucking do it. It's been months and you two are being fucking assholes!" I yelled turning around. "Great now I want a drink." I whispered pissed off before punching my wheel. I closed my eyes. "Wow congrats you pissed her off! Okay breathe you know the rules. That's it deep breath okay now out no don't open your eyes." Killer says trying to calm me down as I try opening my eyes  I turn around opening them. The brothers are pouting.

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