Their Stories - Part 3

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Story 5...
The new house...

          A woman telling her story said:

"This all happened when I moved with my husband and daughter to our new house...

At first, I started hearing strange sounds while sleeping... Sounds as if someone was calling my name; the first thing that came to my mind was that my husband was calling for me or something, but every time I opened my eyes... I see him sleeping next to me.

I didn't worry much about it, and I didn't even want to think about it, and I always would go to sleep.

But... things started to get worse.

Few nights later, I woke up to a strange smell of spices coming from the kitchen — as if someone was cooking in my kitchen — in the middle of the night... But no one was there, even the stove... It was off. It was really weird, because even when I entered the kitchen... There was still a strong smell of spices... I just pretended that it's nothing, and went back to sleep.

After few days, my husband went on a business trip, and my bedroom was from all the rooms... The place where most of the disturbing things happened. The furniture were moving from a place to another... the alarm always rang at 7:30 in the morning... Why this specific time? I have really no idea, but it rang every day at the same time.

A day after my husband came back home... I woke up during the night to go to the bathroom; my husband was sleeping next to me in bed, but when i walked out of the room, i saw my husband sleeping on the couch in the living room... It was confused, but I thought that maybe next to me were just a couple of pillows, and that I didn't pay attention...

I entered the bathroom, and came out... My husband was still sleeping in the living room. When I entered the bedroom to check; i saw that my husband was sleeping in the bed, and no one was on the couch when i came back out.

It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me, and things didn't stop there...

Every time there was that girl — she was about 8 or 9 years old — when i wake up in the middle of the night, she would be standing down at the end of the bed, and she looked really scary.

I don't know why she always used to appear in front of us... I don't know what she wanted from me. She even appeared in my dreams...

We left the house, and I didn't tell my husband specifically what happened, but I just said that "I don't feel comfortable in that house anymore", because I was scared if i tell him the truth... He might think that i'm crazy.

When we moved away — approximately everything stopped — that girl stopped appearing in my bedroom, but she still appeared in one place...

My dreams...

I continued dreaming about her for 5 years, but now... She thankfully went away..."


Story 6...
A college's principle...

This is the story of "Ahmad" from Algeria.

Ahmad tells that back when he was in college; the school that he was studied in, was really famous by a strange story that says that one of the old directors of the school committed suicide by hanging himself in his office...

Imagine... You go to a new school just to discover that the former director killed himself in this school...

People tells that the reason behind his suicide was rumors spreading in the school about his honor that led him into depression, then death.

The building where the man died was completely locked down later, and no one used this building again.

"Ahmad" says that the period when he started studying in that school, the new director decided to open the building again, because the number of students grew bigger, and they needed more space for them.

Since this was an internal school, students had dorms to sleep in inside the school...

One day, Ahmad wanted to go to the bathroom to take a bath; while taking his shower, he heard a knocking sound on the bathroom door, then the sound started again on the high windows of the bathroom, which was impossible to reach without a ladder, and it continued from the windows to the doors, then to the windows again.

He put his clothes on as fast as possible, then he ran outside without telling anyone about it.

Later Ahmad decided to tell two of his friends, and he took them to the place where the sounds came from... the bathrooms.

As soon as they entered the place; the knocking sounds started again; the windows and doors on the same time, and the sounds of the water running in all the showers.

Ahmad's friends saw and heard everything. Until this day, they remember still every detail of it.

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