Chelizo - Her personal DEMON

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In this story, we'll be traveling to Brazil, to Azura and her mother Jeannie, who live with the rest of their extended family. Azura was a bright little girl, who was always happy and energetic, and had not troubles making friends, but when she turned seven, something changed...

She was no longer interested in playing with her friends, and became cold and distant to everyone... Including, her mother.

          Azura would curl up in her bedroom alone, and Jeannie would hear her talking to herself for hours. Jeannie thought that Azura might be going through a faze, and invented an imaginary friend to herself, but Azura's grandmother thought otherwise; that's because one night, Azura's grandma walked by the bedroom, where Azura was talking to herself, she stopped in the doorway, and looked into the room, and screamed.

          Azura turned and hissed out of grandma, like a rabid animal, and crouched on all force, growling deeply.

          Her grandmother ran out of the room, and locked the door from the outside.

"Jeannie, you have to call the priest, now... there is demon in this house." She said.

          Jeannie wasn't a religious woman, she thought her mother was being a little dramatic, but never the least, she called the priest to come over to the house; he arrived the next morning, and the grandmother explained what she saw.

"There was a demon, w-with big bat wings, and cloven hooves... It skin dark and scary, and it hands... Have giant talons."

          Jeannie just sneakered at this description. The grandmother unlocked the door, and was Azura, crying hysterically:

"Don't go... Don't go, please... Don't go, no... Please, don't go, don't go, don't go... Please, don't go..."

          The moment he saw that, the priest dropped his bible and rosary, and closed the door:

"That's no demon... that's a
" Mancha chico "..."

"A what...?" Asked Jeannie while laughing.

"That's a creature that is born from a demon, and cursed without love... they seek-out mortals to love them, and attach themselves to those who show them kindness..."

          Jeannie continued laughing: "This is absolutely ridiculous."

          The priest continued saying: "When they fall in love with a human, they truly care for them, and keep them safe... but for a price... In return for their devotion, the
" Mancha chiko " will gain possession of the human's soul in the afterlife... we have to save her..."

          The priest re-entered the bedroom, and said a prayer; when he came out of the room, Jeannie saw Azura sleeping peacefully in her bed.

          A few days later, Jeannie was about to run some errands, and Azura stopped her.

"Don't leave..." she said.

"But sweety, i need to by s-"


          Jeannie was a bit freaked out by how sincere her daughter was; so she stayed home...

          Later that day, when they were watching the news, they learned that there was some active shooter at the near by mall, the mall that Jeannie was going to go to:

"Why did you make me stay home?" She said in a low, confused voice.

" Chelizo told me to tell you, he doesn't want me to be sad, so he will help me keep you safe."

          There were multiple incidents like this, when Azura will tell her mother to avoid a certain area, only to later discover, that it could have saved her life. And Jeannie wasn't the only one who was experiencing good luck, Azura's school bullies had stopped picking on her, and began apologizing to her, and giving her gifts; Azura was hit later by a car in the side walk, and flown into a gutter, but walked away without a scratch; Azura's little sister was diagnosed with a terrible skin disease, only to have it completely healed a few weeks later.

To Jeannie, it was just good luck, but according to Azura, this was all because of
" Chelizo ", her demon.

Years had gone by, Azura was 15 years old; Jeannie found it a little odd that her daughter had never talked about any school crushes or shown any interest in dating, so she decided to talk to her daughter:

"You know... When i was your age, I couldn't stop talking about... Boys. Is there anyone you like at your school? You can tell me..."

"I have Chelizo... he said i'm his one and only, and it'll be wrong to leave him when he's beem so good to me... hasn't he been good to us mama?"

Jeannie didn't like that response, she thought that her daughter had finally grow out of this ridiculous faze, and she couldn't stand these lies anymore:

"Enough Azura, enough with Chelizo, he isn't real, I don't wanna here about him again, you understand?"

Jeannie stormed out of the room, leaving Azura in tears.

After she had cooled down, Jeannie decided to apologize to her daughter; she entered her bedroom, and froze. There was Azura, curled up on her bed, but in the lap of a giant demon...

          Jeannie couldn't believe her eyes, but there he was, " Chelizo " was real

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Jeannie couldn't believe her eyes, but there he was, " Chelizo " was real...

Azura is now 22 years old, (since the story is old, there's no idea of her real age now) and only occasionally mentioned " Chelizo ", and Jeannie will remind her that he plans to take her soul in the afterlife; every time she ask her if she's okay with that, Azura will be answering:

"Of course, hasn't he been good to us mama?"

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