Chapter 30

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Joohyun's POV

1 month later...

I finally graduated from college today, and I'm finally gonna fulfill my dream as a doctor someday. After the graduation ended, I congratualted every one of my friends.

"Eonnie... congrats!", Yeri said as she approached me.
"You too! Congrats!", I told her.
"Baechu!", Taehyung said.
"Yes?", I ssid as he hugged me.
"Congratulations!", he said as he let go of me.
"You too!", I said.

While I'm congratulating everyone, the principal suddenly approached me with a smile and an apologetic look.

"Annyeonghasaeyo!", I said as I bowed.
"Ms. Bae... congratulations!", she said.
"Thank you, miss!", I said.
"And we're very sorry!", she said.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"We didn't know that Jennie and her friends will do those things to you!", she said.
"Ahh... gwenchana!", I said.
"But anyways! Congrats!", she said.
"Kamsahamnida!", I said.

Ever since Jennie and her friends attempted to murder me, Jennie ended up in a mental hospital because she's been suffering from a mental health disease, and the rest of her friends were put in prison for attempted murder and kidnapping.


Taehyung's POV

While I'm congratulating my friends one by one, I suddenly made a plan, and I need everyone's help, because I'm going to propose to Joohyun later.

"Hyung... I need your help! And please infrom everyone about this, except for Joohyun!", I said.
"Ok!", Namjoon hyung said.
"I'm going to propose to Joohyun later, and I need your help!", I said.
"Ok! Roger that!", he said.

After I told Namjoon hyung the plan, everyone started to do everything. The girls bought decorations and the boys are in charge of the food. I'm going to take Joohyun somewhere later, and after we go on our date, I will take her to our house and that's where I will propose to her!


Author's POV

The 14 friends took their pictures happily as Taehyung started the plan, and everyone agreed with it.

"Joohyun... we'll go somewhere, and it's only for the two of us!", Taehyung said.
"A date?", Joohyun said.
"Yup! Only for the two of us!", Taehyung said.
"Ok! It would be my pleasure!", Joohyun said.
"Since you two are going on a date, we'll just go home, since we don't want to disturb your date!", Seulgi said.
"Ok! That's a great idea!", Taehyung said as he winked.
"Shall we go now?", Joohyun asked Taehyung.
"Yup!", Taehyung said.
"Enjoy your date, eonnie!", Suzy said.
"Enjoy!", Jungkook said as he walked away with the rest of them.

When they walked separately, Taehyung turned back as he gave Jungkook a thumbs-up, meaning that they should start preparing now!

"I hope you'll enjoy our date!", Taehyung said.
"Of course I will!", Joohyun said.


Joohyun's POV

We arrived in this fancy restaurant. Taehyung and I took a seat as the server sarted to play a music. Our food was finally served after a few minutes, when suddenly, I noticed Taehyung, staring at me while eating.

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