Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV

Our finals exam is next week, and I hope Joohyun will wake up at any minute. Jin hyung and Seulgi noona went home first to bring Joohyun's clothes, and the rest went outside to buy breakfast. I immediately stood up from the couch as I held Joohyun's hand.

"Joohyun-ah, I'm very sorry! Sorry, for being infatuated by Jennie! Please... please take me back when you wake up! I'm sorry!", I said as I kissed her hand.


Seulgi's POV

After I ate breakfast, the rest went home for a while to bring their clothes, to take a shower, and to change, and Jimin and I are the only ones left to keep an eye on Joohyun eonnie.

"How come this happened to Joohyun eonnie?", I said.
"Gwenchana! Joohyun noona is a fighter! She was the first girl to be my best friend among the 4 of you girls before, and she treated me as her brother! So don't loose hope that Joohyun noona will give up!", Jimin told me as he placed his arm around my back.
"I won't... but thanks Jimin!", I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"I'm always right here for you!", he told me as I smiled.


Author's POV

After the 13 friends ate their breakfast, the doctor came in to announce something to them.

"Good morning to everyone... I have an announcement to make!", the doctor said.

Everyone stopped what they're doing as their eyes got focused on the doctor, not missing about everything that he will say about the condition of Joohyun.

"I have good news! Joohyun's body is already stabled and it's now in good hands, so that means that she'll possibly wake up anytime!", the doctor said.
"Great! Thanks doc!", Jin said.
"Doc... how's her injuries?", Taehyung asked.
"Her injuries are already healed, and her head is safe, and like I said a while ago, her body is already stabled!", the doctor said.
"So that means... she's not suffering from amnesia or short term memory loss?", Namjoon said.
"Exactly!", the doctor said.
"Thanks doc!", Jin said.
"You're welcome! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go now!", the doctor said as he left.


Sooyoung's POV

It's already 1:00 pm in the afternoon and we just recently ate lunch. I grabbed my sling bag with me because I decided if I can have a little snack in 7-Eleven for a while.

"Eonnie... be careful!", Yeri said.
"Yeah I will! Don't worry!", I said.

I got out of the hospital as I finally arrived at 7-Eleven as I bought a soda and chips for a while. After I ate inside the store, I decided to urinate first. After I urinate inside the cubicle, 2 girls suddenly came in as I recognized their voices. Rosè and Jisoo! I thought.

"I bet Joohyun eonnie is already dying!", Rosè said.

I suddenly got surprised about what Rosè said. I immediately took out my phone from my bag quietly as I started to record their conversation. Taehyung oppa will be very angry about this!

"I know! I guess Jennie's plan worked once again!", Jisoo said.
"Yup, and thank goodness I was the one who saw Joohyun eonnie, crossing the road, so I decided if I can do something that'll teach her a lesson, since Jennie eonnie told me something!", Rosè said.
"What is it, actually?", Jisoo said.
"Well... Jennie eonnie was the first one to see Joohyun eonnie, crossing down the road, so she told me if I can hit her!", Rosè said.
"How is she in the hospital, by the way?", Jisoo said.
"I don't know! Why should I care?!", Rosè said.
"Let's go! Jennie might be looking for us!", Jisoo said as she and Rosè walked out.

I stopped recording as I suddenly got speechless about what I heard from their conversation. So they're the ones who planned to kill Joohyun eonnie! Oh gosh, they're not just gold diggers, but criminals as well! I thought to myself as I left 7-Eleven.


Author's POV

Sooyoung went back inside the hospital safely, since she found a new evidence for everyone. She went inside Joohyun's hospital room, panting.

"Sooyoung-ah, gwenchana?", Suzy asked.
"Ne eonnie! Gwenchana! Guys, you need to know something!", Sooyoung ssid.
"What is it?", Jin asked.
"Guys... when I went in 7-Eleven, I bumped onto Jisoo and Rosè, and guess what? I found a new evidence that we can use against them!", Sooyoung said.
"Can you start playing it?", Namjoon said.
"Sure oppa!", Sooyoung said.

Sooyoung took out her phone as she started playing the file. The room became quiet once the file started playing. After the file ended, everyone was speechless, except for Taehyung, who's fuming in anger.

"Criminal!", Taehyung said.
"Oppa! How will we arrest them?", Yeri asked.
"We can't just arrest them! We should report it to our school first, then the school will decided if they should expel them or arrest them!", Taehyung said.
"Ok!", Yeri said.
"I was really boiling inside when I heard their conversation!", Sooyoung said.
"Those whores!", Namjoon said.
"Criminal! Why would that Kim Jennie kill my cousin?!", Suzy said.
"Yeah! Why did she even chose our school for her to continue her studies?!", Seulgi said.


Jungkook's POV

After we finished eating dinner, someone suddenly knocked on the door as I got curious about it! Who could be our visitor? I thought to myself.

"That's strange! Usually when someone wants to come in, they'll automatically open the door and get inside!", Jin hyung said.
"I wonder who they could be?", Namjoon hyung said.
"I'll open it!", I said.

I got up from the couch as I opened the door, revealing Mingyu. Oh great! It was just one of my best friends! I thought it was Jennie and her gang, pretending that they wanted to visit Joohyun noona, who's still not waking up!

"Oh! Mingyu!", I said.
"Hi! Can I come in?", Mingyu asked.
"Of course!", I said.


Mingyu's POV

I knocked the door as Jungkook opened the door. Great! I thought they won't let me in, since I'm Jisoo's ex-boyfriend! I thought to myself.

"Oh! Mingyu!", Jungkook said.
"Hi! Can I come in?", I asked.
"Of course!", he said.

I came in as everyone greeted me with a warm smile, but my heart immediately shattered into pieces when I saw Joohyun noona, on the hospital bed, asleep with a dextrose on her left hand. She feels really special to me, especially when Jungkook introduced her to me, she started treating me as her own brother.

"Hi guys!", I said.
"Hi Mingyu!", Namjoon hyung said.
"I wanted to talk to you about Jisoo!", I said.
"Ok? You may start!", Jin hyung said.
"Guys.. I'm really sorry about how my ex-girlfriend treated you! I didn't know that she'll do this to all of you, especially on what she and her friends did to Joohyun noona!", I said.
"Gwenchana! You just got victimized by Jisoo, but we want to help you!", Seulgi noona said.
"I know! And I also wanted to help you guys stop Jisoo and her friends!", I said.
"What happened tk you and Jisoo, by the way?", Yoongi hyung asked me.
"I caught her, making out with another man!", I said.
"It's ok! Just forget about it!", Chanyeol hyung said.
"I know! But guys, I have to go now!", I said.
"Ok! Take care", Taehyung hyung said.
"Bye guys! I'll see you soon!", I said as I left.


Taehyung's POV

When Mingyu left, we all went to sleep. I grabbed a chair as I rested my head on the bed of Joohyun and held her hand.

"Please stay strong for me, jagi!", I whispered as I went to sleep.

The Scars that You Healed [ VRENE ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora