Chapter 25

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Jennie's POV

"Eonnie... when will we start the plan?", Lisa asked me.
"Soon! Just wait for it!", I said.
"I can't wait to see Joohyun eonnie suffer!", Rosè said.
"Yeah! After taking everything away from Jennie!", Jisoo eonnie said.
"I know that we are all excited to see her suffer! So let's just wait for the right moment!", I said with a smirk.

Get ready to loose Taehyung oppa, Bae Joohyun! Because he will be mine once again and you will always be forgotten!


Joohyun's POV

While I'm walking down the hallway, a familar voice suddenly shouted my name as I continued to avoid him. Taehyung! I thought to myself.

"Joohyun-ah!", Taehyung said.
"What? I don't want to talk to you!", I said, pretending to be embarassed.
"Please... it's just a misunderstanding! Please understand me!", he begged.
"No! Please.... leave me alone for a while!", I said as I walked away.

Tears started to form from my eyes as I avoided him once again. I will always love you Taehyung, even if I tried to avoid you! I thought to myself as I made my way in the classroom.


Author's POV

While they're waiting for seongsaengnim, Joohyun suddenly caught Mingyu, being pissed at Jisoo ever since she came inside the classroom.

"Noona?", Jungkook called Joohyun.
"Ne?", I said.
"Gwenchana?", he asked me.
"Ne! Gwenchana!", I said.
"Noona.... is it about Taehyung hyung?", he asked me.
"Yeah! He kinda talked to me a while ago outside, but I avoided him and just walked away.", I said.
"Why? That was your only chance to gain Taehyung hyung's trust again!", he said.
"I know! I'm sorry!", I said.
"Gwenchana noona! It's not your fault!", Jungkook said.
"I know, but thanks for helping me, Jungkook!", I said.
"You're welcome, noona!", he said.


Joohyun's POV

I'm already eating lunch with my friends, and while eating, I cannot help but to think about Taehyung. How is he? I thought to myself as I continued eating.

"Eonnie.... gwenchana?", Seulgi asked me.
"Yes I'm fine!", I said.
"Don't worry eonnie! I'm sure you and Taehyung will be ok again! Just wait for the right moment!", she said.
"I know, thanks Seul!", I said.
"You're welcome eonnie!", she said.

After I ate lunch, I went inside the C.R to urinate for a while. After I went inside the C.R, I went back inside the classroom, on where my friends are waiting for me!


Namjoon's POV

It's Friday today, and our dismissal time is only at 2:30 pm. When we got home, I cannot help but to decide to talk to Taehyung. He's been quiet these days, because he got poisoned by Jennie, and now, Joohyun noona mistakenly thought that Jennie and Taehyung are back together as a couple again!

"Taehyung... can I talk to you for a while?", I asked.
"Sure hyung!", Taehyung said.
"What happened while you're inside the rooftop with Jennie?", I asked.
"She was the one who started the make-out session, not me!", he said.
"That slut! And Tae, I have to show you something!", I said.
"What is it, hyung?", he asked.
"You have to listen to this! Seulgi noona recorded this while she's inside the C.R.", I said.

The Scars that You Healed [ VRENE ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora