Chapter 7

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Joohyun's POV

After I woke up, I took a quick shower inside the bathroom before going downstairs to eat breakfast. After I took a quick shower, I chose an outfit I'm going to wear for today. After I dressed up, I applied light make-up on my face as I placed all of my things in my backpack. By the way, this is what I chose.

I immediately went downstairs as I saw everyone, eating breakfast in the dining table already

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I immediately went downstairs as I saw everyone, eating breakfast in the dining table already. Among the 12 of us, I'm always the last one to go down and join everyone for breakfast, since I'm very slow when it comes to waking up.

"Hi eonnie!", Seulgi said with a smile.
"Hi jagi!", Taehyung said.
"Hi!", I said with a smile.
"Did you all enjoy our date as best friends yesterday?", Jin oppa asked us.
"Ne!", all of us said.


Author's POV

The 12 best friends were now inside the classroom, waiting for the teacher to come inside. While they were talking to each other, their teacher came in with a girl beside her. All of the students were looking at the girl, especially Taehyung, since his eyes grew bigger when he saw the girl beside their teacher.

"Class... we have a new student so please respect her!", their teacher said.
"Annyeonghasaeyo! Kim Jennie-imnida! I hope we can all be friends!", the girl said.
"Jennie.... you may sit beside Yugyeom!", their teacher said.
"Kamsahamnida seongsaengnim!", Jennie said.


Taehyung's POV

Seongsaengnim went inside the classroom with a girl beside her and my eyes grew bigger as I realized the familiar girl beside him. Kim Jennie, we've met again! I thought to myself. Jennie and I were dating before in our old school in Daegu, but we broke up because I caught her, cheating with Kai. Why did seongsaengnim assigned her to be in this classroom with me?!

"Class... we have a new student so please respect her!", seongsaengnim said.
"Annyeonghasaeyo! Kim Jennie-imnida! I hope we can all be friends!", Jennie said.
"Jennie.... you may sit beside Yugyeom!", seongsaengnim said.
"Kamsahamnida seongsaengnim!", Jennie said.

Now that she's back in my life once again, I have a feeling that she'll break my relationship with Joohyun, and she might hurt her, and I cannot let that happen to Joohyun again! I cannot let Joohyun's happiness fade away. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and distracted as Joohyun turned to me with a worried look.

"Taehyungie, gwenchana?", Joohyun asked me.
"Ne! Gwenchana, jagiya!", I said.
"You look bothered about something.", she said.
"No jagi! I'm fine!", I said.

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