Chapter 6

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     ( A/N : Hey guys, sorry for not updating the book for a while. it wasn't doing so hot so I considered just taking a break from it plus school was really getting in the way, but now coming back I'm seeing that people are actually enjoying it and it had over 1,000 reads !! I hope you all enjoy the rest of the series <3)

                                                                        Percy's POV

It was now Monday morning, the first day back to school for Annabeth and a couple of days since the holding hands incident :) I slammed my alarm clock silent and prepared to get ready for school once again. As I looked at my phone to text Annabeth good morning, I see a message from her first.

"Hey Seaweed brain, mind walking me to school? Feeling really scared and I need your presence." 

Almost immediately, I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as I read her text message and quickly typed up a response. It was the start of the tribulation for Annabeth, and I wanted to be there for her every step of the way. As I got dressed and fixed my bedhead hair, I started to daydream about her...I really couldn't help it. I imagined us holding hands while walking to date in a library, kissing her softly but passionately behind the architecture section of the books..phew. I couldn't ask for a more perfect girl to be in my life right now.

I walked out of my room and grabbed some granola bars from the counter for breakfast, kissed my mom and baby brother Tyson goodbye, and walked out of the apartment on my way to Annabeth's. 

                                                                        Annabeth's POV

I woke up this morning having a mental breakdown at the thought of having to show my face again at school after the whole incident, a week didn't seem long enough to heal my emotional trauma. But despite all of my body instincts telling me to take another week or five off, I rolled out of bed and headed to the restroom to freshen up. Looking at the mirror, I saw a girl looking back at me that I did not like.  A girl that was a complete embarrassment to everyone, probably even Percy. ' Oh no, Percy ' I thought. I grabbed my phone and texted him if he'd be willing to walk me to school, almost immediately he agreed. I smiled a relief.

Percy and I have been on weird stages lately, we barely started talking last week but we already acted like if we were in a relationship. Our chemistry was undeniable, I thought, I just hoped that Percy felt the same way about me. I walked into my restroom, took a much-needed shower, and got dressed for school. I decided for something not so revealing, a light gray knitted sweater with a white collared blouse underneath and dark washed jeans. My makeup looked almost nonexistent, which I concluded was perfect to not stand out... Hopefully. 

I got a text from Percy about 15 minutes after I was ready that he was outside my door. Without thinking, I checked my look for perfection in the mirror. Which was weird, not really something I used to do. I walked out to open the door and smiled as I saw what seemed like my only friend left. We exchanged a lingering hug and held hands as we walked out of the apartment. It almost seemed magical how things with him were happening, I mean nothing is official yet. Technically we're just friends, but why does it seem like much more in such little amount of time? 

" Hey, you okay?" Percy asked as he lightly squeezed my hand as if he noticed I was wandering in my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. Fine. Just kind of scared I guess. I'm not really ready to face everyone yet."

"Annabeth, there's nothing to worry about okay? I'm here for you. Always. If you are having any trouble today I'm only a call away." We both smiled, I'm so lucky to be his friend.

"Thank you seaweed brain" He laughed and slowly let go of my hand as we approached our school. I definitely did not like having my hand not in his, but I didn't say anything about it. 

He gave me a look as we walked in as if saying' I'm serious. I'll be here for you.' I blushed a reply and parted to different classes for the day. I sighed to myself. ' Okay, I have AP calculus first.. and that means Luke. Oh, dear gods.' I basically forced myself to walk into that class and immediately started seeing all the looks and hearing all the whispers as I walked to the back of the class and buried myself in my textbook. Minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and smell a very familiar, disgusting cologne... Luke.

"well well. Nice break hon?" he sneered. I slightly bit my lip nervously and barely looked up from my textbook. 

"What the hell do you want Luke." I so badly wanted Percy to run in and beat the living shit out of him. 

" Nothing much Annie just wanted to say how dearly I missed your delicious breasts... But I got the picture reminder which is just as nice eh? Well I mean the whole school got the picture but you know what I mean " I could feel his disgusting smile after he said that. I looked up and stared at him right in the eyes

"You know what Luke. I don't fucking care what you have to say to me. I only gave you that picture reluctantly after your desperate selfish ass begged me like a baby and basically threatened to end your life if I didn't??!! Of course, I gave in to your idiotic needs! Maybe you're the whore for not controlling yourself! " I slammed my textbook closed and stormed out without looking back. 

I ran into the furthest restroom from that classroom and locked myself in a stall as I sobbed uncontrollably. Slowly, I pulled out my phone and texted Percy what happened. I felt so stupid. I mean it felt good to finally tell him off and let the class know a small portion of my side but I couldn't help but feel so utterly hopeless.

 At that moment I realized, there was no hope for me.

(A/N : AHHH guys, I can't say how sorry I am for not getting this chapter out sooner! I mean I kind of did forget about it for a couple of months but then finals rolled around so that took hella time. Anyways, It's finally here. I hope you guys like it because it's 4 am and I worked so hard on it :'). Please please be free to comment on any constructive criticism, I know this series isn't perfect so your opinions would really really help improve the story! Also, leave any suggestions of what you want to see or stuff like who you want to have sent the nudes because I honestly have no idea yet lol. Anyways, I love you all and it means so much that you guys are liking the series so far <3 Please please stay tuned I'm already writing Part 7!!! XOXO) 

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