Chapter 5

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Percy's POV

I played yesterday's scenario in my mind over and over again. Thinking that nothing could be more perfect. Had we basically confessed our crushes ?? I smiled a bit at the thought, even though Annabeth doesn't like me to the extent that I like her (yet), I plan on becoming closer friends and slowly work up to that level. 

I hear my alarm clock ring, quickly changed into a black hoodie, black jeans, (and yup, you guessed it,)  black converse. I ate some blue waffles for breakfast and said my goodbyes and headed towards school. Annabeth and I agreed last night that after the lunch bell rings- I skip school for the remainder of the day to spend it with Annabeth talking. 

As the lunch bell rang, I got up and as quickly as I could I left the building and was headed towards a small cafe we agreed to meet. As I arrived, I quickly noticed that Annabeth was standing by the door looking like an angel. Her long curls were let down with small braids hanging down opposite sides of her head, her makeup was natural enough to see her small freckles, and her eyes were as vibrant as ever. 

" What you staring at weirdo? " Annabeth said as she laughed. I smiled. I really did love her laugh

" Oh nothing, just thinking about how I could totally rock your outfit," I said as I opened the seat for her to sit down 

" Ha, in your dreams fishy"  She sat and tucked one of the braids behind her ear, with a small smile on her face. It melted me. We sat there, looking at the menu, and had some relaxed small talk about our days so far. Suddenly, I remember that I still haven't asked her about the nudes and how it even happened... 

" Hey, so um. D-do you want to talk about what happened with the whole anonymous texter? I promise I won't judge you, I really care about you, I just want to help Annie."  I saw her face lose its glow, she bit her lip and slowly nodded a yes. I scooted my chair closer to her and prepared myself to listen to her story.

" I don't even know how it happened honestly.. " I could hear the hurt in her voice and had a feeling she was going to cry.  " I took that picture 2 years ago after my ex-boyfriend Luke practically forced me to. He said it would demonstrate that I truly loved him.. and I really did at the time. But now I just hate him for it. I made him delete the picture but I never realized that he might've sent it around, which is how I guess this random person has it and is using it against me... I-i got the text right after the lunch bell and I just ran to the library to cry. I felt so disgusted with myself Percy... " A couple of tears had fallen from her beautiful eyes, I felt horrible. I slowly pulled her into a hug and let her sob on my chest.

" We're going to do something about this okay Annie? I promise I won't let this person get away with hurting you this badly." I felt a small nod and she pulled back and wiped her tears. 

" Thank you for not hating me Percy" 

" I would never hate you, Annie." She sighed relief and gave me a weak smile. All of a sudden it started to pour heavy amounts of rain and we quickly started to get wet. Without losing a beat, I took off my hoodie and gave it for her to put on, leaving me with only a black muscle shirt. Annabeth smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' to me as she put on my hoodie to protect her from the pouring waters. The sleeves went past her hands and were pretty oversized in every way, it looked so adorable on her. She held my hand told me we need to run to her apartment as quickly as possible, I was kind of shocked that she held my hand but I happily agreed to anyway.

"Don't get too dumfounded Percy, I hold hands with my close friends okay? " She said to me as we were running through the rain. I laughed and nodded an okay, we didn't stop holding hands as we ran once.


Annabeth's POV

I woke up around 10 am and even though my meet up with Percy was at 12:30 pm, I started to get ready to see him. I took a nice relaxing bath and may have done something in there to relax me even more ;). Once I got out, it was almost 11 am and needed to pick up the pace. I blowdried and styled my hair with tiny braids near my ears and thought it looked pretty cute. I chose to wear an off- the shoulder white top with light blue mom jeans and white converse, I stood in front of my mirror and smiled a bit. I felt pretty confident in myself right in that second. 

I waited around once it was time for me to leave to meet Percy and started to head towards the cafe. Once I arrived, I saw him arriving with a huge smile on his face as he looked at me. I blushed and thought to myself how I would love to be more than friends with Percy in the future. " What you staring at weirdo?" I laugh as arrives still looking at me mesmerized.  He said something witty to hide the fact that he was totally staring and just laughed. Gods he was so stupid, but I kind of loved it. 

We sat and talked about normal things as we waited for our coffees and snacks to arrive as I noticed Percy stay quiet for a couple of seconds and slowly look up at me with a look of regret on his face. I had a small feeling about what he was about to say, gods please don't ask about the nudes, please don't ask about the nudes, please don't ask abou-

"Hey, so um. D-do you want to talk about what happened with the whole anonymous texter? I promise I won't judge you, I really care about you, I just want to help Annie." My. My heart dropped, I really didn't want to re-live these awful memories.. but I'm really starting to trust him, and it seems like he really cares about me... I sigh and agree to tell Percy about the worst mistake in my life. 

As I finished telling the story, the well-expected drops of tears fall from my eyes and I could tell that Percy hated the sight of my crying. But what I didn't expect was to for him to pull me into a tight hug and let me soak his hoodie with my tears, he didn't once complain about it or pull back from the hug until I was ready. 

" We're going to do something about this okay Annie? I promise I won't let this person get away with hurting you this badly." His words made me feel so much better and safe, truly. I was starting to really be thankful that Percy came into my life this suddenly. I could feel my heart slowly grow with a love for Percy. 

As he continued to re-assure me everything was okay, it started to rain really violently. Not a second passed longer when I notice Percy no longer wearing his hoodie and was left with a muscle shirt. gods.. he was really muscular, I could see every muscle defined and the veins running up his arms. I snapped out of the trance and took his hoodie, as I put it on I laughed a bit as I noticed it was pretty oversized on me, obviously. But I really didn't mind it, It smelled like the ocean and brought back memories of seeing  Percy swimming in school competitions, I wasn't there because of him, but it surely didn't stop me from noticing how talented he was in that field. 

Without even thinking, I took his hand in mine and told him we needed to run fast to my apartment.  He smirked and we ran together with our hands never slipping away from each other. 

( A/N- I hope the 20 people who have read this series so far are enjoying it !! please don't hesitate to comment!  Also, I put in a slight amount of smut in Annabeth's POV lol, it's going to start getting more smutty soon - mostly fluff though. xx  )

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