Four Na'vi females are halfway up the structure, lifting a long stick between each of them in one hand and threading in string into the cloth tapestry. I am amazed at the complexity, though the tapestry isn't bright and colorful, merely tan and brown, it is still fascinating the creation and ingenuity to make something so massive. What will this tapestry be used for once it's completed? For is it something they trade with other clans? So much I want to know!

I could tell they lightly burned the tan threads to be darker and more brown and I am left wondering... have they not created something similar to the Mortar and Pestle? So many of these leaves and plants hold vibrant colors, they wouldn't have to grind down more than a few leaves to be able to dye their thread green, or blue, or yellow. There's plenty of plants in the area that can do that. Maybe, once they trust me more, I'll show them a Mortar and Pestle and what it does.

Clearly, by their clothing and by the weird three red tipped braids Tsu'tey has, they know of how to dye things, but most likely they do it just with fruits and berries of the sort, one's that hold liquids already. Not something like leaves, things that, once dry, hold no liquid to create into a form of dye, just a powder. I wonder if they know how to harvest oils from plants... All interesting things to consider.

I knew that my only choice right now is to ask Neytiri where Mo'at is, Tsu'tey isn't coming back any time soon and I doubt my guards are going to let me wander around much longer. I walked over to Neytiri as the female she's speaking to turned and stared at me in surprise. I smiled a little, glad to see Nai'la again, she's practically been the only Na'vi, beyond Mo'at, to treat me nicely, to treat me like a person.

"Hetibay! Where be teacher? You be here alone, hunter be following you." Nai'la asked as I sighed in exhaustion.

"My 'teacher' took me out into the middle of nowhere in the forest and clicked his tongue, causing my Pa'li to shake me off before he charged away through the woods leaving me alone with the Pa'li in the forest. I found my way back myself." I said tiredly as Nai'la covered her mouth and quietly giggled at my misfortune. Neytiri rolled her eyes before smiling at me.

"It not be surprise, I expect Tsu'tey to rebel against be karyu to you. He not fan of Sa'nu and Sempu plan. But Sa'nu see äie of Tsu'tey karyu to you. It matter much he be karyu if Eywa give Sa'nu äie. Eywa choose karyu for you, it for reason. Even if karyu be harsh. I not enjoy be karyu for Skxawng, but I deal. Skxawng be cleaning mud." Neytiri said, the last part sounding annoyed. I'm guessing she's referring to Sully. I blinked several times at the rest though. I know Sa'nu means Mother, and I know Sempu means father. I... think karyu means... teach? Or teacher? But what does a-äie even mean?!

Nai'la thankfully saw my confusion as she quietly spoke in excitement, "äie mean vision, Hetibay, Eywa not send Tsahik vision often, last vision be on Sky People, coming to land near Hometree." Nai'la said as I blinked. Visions? What, like a Spirit Dream? And, if that's true... does this Eywa AND The Great Mother Eagle have it set in stone that the irritating, infuriating male is going to be my teacher no matter what? I really, really hope not, especially after today's events.

"It be good you see me first, Hetibay, Sa'nu want to speak. She be there, base of spiral go down." Neytiri said after Nai'la finished talking, pointing to the backside of the spiral that runs up through the tree. Wait, is there more under this tree? That's cool. I nodded in thanks to Neytiri and Nai'la.

I turned and walked for the spiral, thankful my unintended guards decided to leave me be. Bet they are just as thrilled as Tsu'tey is to have me and Sully here in this tree. I sighed as I walked, thinking of how very lucky Sully is, lucky moron... of course he gets the mildly not okay with it but will deal with it teacher. Heck, teaching me? Neytiri clearly showed she doesn't mind me because of whatever was said last night, and probably because her mother spoke about me.

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