Forget her

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Hehe sorry for not updating for sooooo many days. I was quite busy and laziness just came in... Haha ^^

RSOC: Because I Love You ( Wendy of Red Velvet) All song credits go towards owner. I think this song is the most suitable song out of all my songs that I have in my phone. This not the perfect one of course. I guess I have to listen to more songs... XD


Mina's POV

Once we were lifted up to the stage, endless screaming could be heard. I could hear everyone of our names. The moment that we all have been working hard, sweating, training for is here. We started to dance to the music and sing passionately. It has been so long since I was this nervous but the feeling is amazing. Being on stage was what I wanted for for so long. I finally achieved it with my best friends. After the song is done, we began to introduce ourselves. The difference with the other groups from us is that other groups will mainly have one gender of fans. Like boy group will have mainly girl fans and vice versa. However, our fans were of mixed gender. If a girl member introduces themselves, the screams will be lower and if a boy member introduces, the scream will be higher. XD

Then, we started to perform our senior's songs. We also showcased our individual talents. After 90 minutes, the showcase finally ended.

"It is the end of the showcase! We hope that you enjoyed yourselves and please do continue to support our newborn SM family!"-Jae Hyun

We all held hands together to take a bow. Jae Hyun oppa was on my right and Mark oppa was on my left. I held hands with both of them. Suddenly, Mark oppa pulled me towards him and I felt his grip tightened. Jae Hyun oppa felt it and he looked at me puzzled and looked at Mark oppa. With some kind of realisation, he also held my hand harder and pulled me towards him. What is wrong with the both of them?!?! Then, they started this tug-of-war with me. I quickly loosened my hands from both of them and left the stage. They were hurting my hands...



I turned around and saw Jae Hyun oppa. He ruffled my hair.

"You did a great job!! ^^"-Jae Hyun

"Thanks ^^ Sunbaenim."-I teased

"Hmmm... Can I ask you for a favour?"-Jae Hyun

I nodded.

"Can I ask you out for a date?"-Jae Hyun

"Date? But..."-I asked. I wanted to reject him since I was still angry at that random tug-of-war. Why does he want to ask me for a date?

"Pleasee!!"-Jae Hyun

"Okay then!!"-Mina. I didn't want to refuse a sunbae.

"Yes!"-Jae Hyun


We went to a secluded place since we are both idols. We met up at a park with disguises. He prepared a whole bunch of things in his car. We are having a picnic.

"Mina..."-Jae Hyun

"Yes oppa?"-I said with a sandwich filled in my mouth. His cooking is really good... He smiled and came forward and and used his finger and swiped(?) my mouth. I immediately blushed. No man has ever done this. Not even my father.

"Mina... I like you."-Jae Hyun

He looked at me sincerely. Although it is the second time I heard this, I still felt my heart beat like there is no tomorrow. But... I know that the one that I really like wasn't him. I didn't want to hurt him.

"Sorry oppa. There is someone else in my heart. I am sorry. I am sure you will find a better person. "-I said while looking down. I felt so guilty. I really like Jae Hyun oppa but I love someone else.

He looked down and sighed.

"That person is really lucky. I am not sure if I will find someone that I really like other than you..."-Jae Hyun

He looked at me with a bitter smile. I never saw him smile so bitterly before... Then, I hugged him. I had to.

"Oppa, you like me but you dont love me."-Mina

"I do like... no love you! How do you know the difference?"-Jae Hyun

"If you like someone, you would wish to be a relationship with her. Have a happily ever after with her. If you truely love someone, you will be happy even without her. When she is happy, you are happy. That is th difference."-Mina


Mark's POV

When I heard that Mina had a date with Jae Hyun hyung, I felt my heart blow up. A date?!?! So... I decided to follow them. I coudn't stop my heart.

I saw them sitting on a picnic mat and eating and talking their hearts out while I was hiding behind a big tree spying on them... What was I doing? Then, I saw hyung wiped something of her mouth. My heart was on fire when I saw that. I was angry. Okay... more like jealousy. Then, I saw Jae Hyun hyung mouthing I like you. My world came crashing down. He confessed. Mina... Will she accept it? Please... Mina. Don't! Wait for me!! Then, I saw her hug him. I lost her... She agreed... She hugged him.

I immediately turned back and ran away. It hurts me to see her accept someone else's love. It hurts so bad... I lost her. I kept running. Tears were flowing uncontrollably. After a long long run, I finally stopped. I came to a decision. I decided to let go of her. To let her chase after her love. To let her be happy.


After I went back, I acted like nothing has happened. We all went to school like usual.

"Class!! Please take a seat."-Teacher

A pretty girl came in through the door right then. Who is she?

"We have a new transfer student here! Please welcome her!"-Teacher

The class clapped. The boys were especially welcoming. Obviously. She is really pretty. But not as pretty as her... Why am I thinking of her again? Sigh... I clapped happily as well. I didn't want my deskmate, my unreachable love, to know that I was sad. I have to be normal. I have to forget her.

"Hello! I am Han Soo Ji. Please take good care of me!" The girl said. She was looking at me. Why?


Mina's POV

"Hello! I am Han Soo Ji. Please take good care of me!" Wow! She is really pretty! I saw her looking at Mark oppa. Hmph. I feel that anger come again. Why does he have to gain the attention of all the girls?!?! I pouted. He was even clapping so enthusiastically. Of course... Why wouldn't he? She is soooo pretty.

Then, she came and seated herself beside Mark oppa. What is wrong with her? To be honest, she can sit anywhere she wants. I have no right to care... She kept looking at him. What a sight...

-----------------After class---------------

"Hi!!"-Soo Ji

She came to our table right after the class ended.

"Hi!!"-I said. She looks nice and I wanted to be respectful. Respect and responsibility. The most important values in my life.

"You must be Mark ssi and Mina ssi. I am your big fan!! I really like your debut song."-Soo Ji

"Thank you!!"-Mark

"Erm... actually, I have no friends here... Can I join you?"-Soo Ji


I was not feeling very comfortable with his answer. Heo Mina!! Don't be so possessive! I told myself. She looks nice...


I hope you like this chapter!! Would you like a sad ending or a happy one? See you at the next chapter!! Byee!!

I will protect you. (SM Entertainment)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon