The Start

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First Chapter!!! Gidae haedo joah Let's go!


Heo Mina's POV

Here I am. I stood right in front of the door of where my dreams were in. SMTOWN. It was finally here! Right in front of me!!!! I stepped in and a deep breath. Wow even the air in here smells different. " What are you doing there? Come in! " my mother exclaimed. A pretty lady ushered us towards a room and seated us. Then, the door creaked open and I saw two ladies strolling in.


" Mina! Let's go to the tokyo stadium!"- Mum

" Okay!" - Me

Today is the 4th day of my trip to tokyo and it is really nice here! Then, I heard girls screaming their heads off. Puzzled, I saw 2 black cars stop in front of me and men started coming out of them. They were tall and wore sunglasses. Taking a closer look, I realised it was EXO! I am a kpop fan since 2012 and went to exo's concert this year! Moments later, people started pushing and screaming towards me. Although I am a fan of exo, I wanted to just get out of this chaos. To my horror, people were just more vigorous and no matter how hard I tried to push my way out, I just couldn't. Suddenly, someone tripped me and I laid flat on the ground. When I tried to get up, I saw a hand helping me up and someone asking me ," Are you okay?" (in english). I brushed the dust off and raised my head. The person who helped my up was Chan Yeol. He is my bias and I was screaming in my heart. He was wearing a black snapback and is so handsome up close. " Erm... I am fine. Thank You." I said nervously. " Be careful." He said and immediately walked away. A woman beside him was staring at me intently(literally everyone was because Chan Yeol help me up). I quickly took off and ran towards my mother.

1 hour later

We went into a Sushi shop and ordered our dinner. Suddenly, a familiar woman came up to me and asked how old was I. She was the woman that was with exo. The one that kept staring at me. " 14", I replied. She took something our from her pink bag and passed it to my mother. " Hello, I am Lee Seol Na from SM entertainment. Are you interested to be a sm trainee? Please do contact me at this number or email if you are." She bowed and left without another word. I was shocked. Flabbergasted. Amazed. I was scouted!

-------- Back to present-----------

I came from Singapore and have passed all the auditions and today, I personally came to Korea to sign the contract. The first woman that came in sat down opposite of the table and the second lady was the one that scouted me. 

"Hello. Welcome to SM entertainment. I am Kim Seo Yeon, the lawyer of SM entertainment," the first lady said.

"Hello. I am Lee Seol Na, Exo's manager. If you remembered, I was the one who scouted you," the second lady said.

I stood up, bowed and introduced myself.

After we talked about the details of the training, I went back to Singapore.

I was expected to migrate to Korea 3 weeks later.

Finally, its going to begin.


Yay the first chapter is doneee! I am so excited. I know its a bit short. I really hope someone would read this. Haha XD A cameo from Chan Yeol. If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to comment ^^ Since it is the holidays soon, I will update really often. Hehe! Annyeong ^^ Please continue to support Dream!

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