Group Photoshoot

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Time for new chapter!! 

RSOC: I have no idea what song is suitable for this chapter so I am not going to recommend anything. >.<


Mina's POV

"Wake up!! We reached already!!"

I heard someone say. We are in for another day of photoshoot and today we are taking group photos!!! I was really bummed out as I was so tired yesterday. Once we reached the salon, the same thing happened again. Hair styling, make uping and changing. The only difference is that we were all sleeping when they were doing the make up... >.< 1 hour later, the transformation was done. Then we heard someone come in. 

"Hello guys!!" I recognised the voice! It was Dong Hyuk. We turned around and saw them coming towards the door! They all looked very handsome especially.... him. They also had make up on like us and their hair were styled nicely. I looked at him and he started blushing. Kekeke ^^ 

"Wow you guys look amazing!!" We all said to one another.

"Why are you guys here?"-Me

"Group photo right?"-Jeno

Oh! The group photo is with them... sounds fun!! Then, he came towards me. He looked really handsome up close! Ugh... I feel my cheeks and ears burning again. Calm down, Heo Mina! He looked down at me.

"You look great! You are the prettiest here... O/////O" 

"You are really handsome too, Mark oppa! But not the most handsome here :P"-Me

I was back to my cheeky self. He just grinned at me.

"Let's start the photo shoot!! We will start with the boys first!"-Photographer

Then, the boys started having their shots taken. Their expressions were amazing and my eyes couldn't leave him... 

-----------------------Fast Forward---------------------

Today is the time where the company will actually reveal us!! I am really nervous and I can't stop shaking. I hope I won't get attacked from those malicious comments made by other people. I know that I am not as good as my famous sunbaes but we all really worked hard and it is not fair for them to make these comments when they don't know how much we actually did.

I turned on the computer and went to a K-pop fansite. A famous one. A place where I read about all the news of the idols even before I wanted to be a trainee. I saw the thread and clicked on it. Praying that we will be accepted by the public. Suki unnie was in the first picture. Everyone commented how she was just SM's style and pretty. Yuna's picture made everyone say that she is the second BoA sunbaenim. Fiona unnie was said to be a mixture of Yuri sunbaenim and Krystal sunbaenim. Finally it was my picture... I took a deep breath and scrolled down...

Wow! She looks different.

SM has more variety now!

I prefer Suki...

She is actually really pretty! SM has outdone themselves.

At least she looks natural.

Failed plastic surgery... :/

These were the comments and there were many more. I didn't do plastic surgery!! I am only 15 for god sake. There were a mixture of good and hate comments. I knew that people can never be satisfied so I didn't bother and continued scrolling the web. If idols are pretty, they will say that they are plastic. If they are not, people will say that they shouldn't be an idol. People forget that there are such things as natural beauty. Although there are idols would obviously got plastic surgery, there will be others would didn't at all. They forget that make up, lighting, losing weight and the condition of the person alone plays a big part on how they look that day but they still judge. People forget that celebrities are normal people that grow up and become mature... Sigh...

------------Fast Forward--------------

It is my 2nd year in SM now!! Time just passes by so fast. After the revealation of us being SM rookies, they company made a new program for us. So we had a different training schedule with the rest. At times, we will make a cameo in our sunbaenim's MV. It was really amazing to see them in real life. They are all prettier and more handsome in real life... but they all seemed so unreachable..

This time, we have a new project!! SM town concert is coming up in 4 months and we will get to participate in it!!! Yay!! *Throws confetti* Wooooooohoooooo! Being on the same stage with my favourite idols? Call!!

We were split into 2 groups.

1st Group: Mark oppa, Jeno, Me, Yuna

2nd Group: Suki unnie, Fiona unnie, Dong Hyuk and Jae Min

We will be back up dancers for our sunbaenims during their songs! Group 1 was arranged to be dancers for BoA, SNSD, Exo, Super Moon. ( I just made a random group name for the older SM Rookie boys. In this case, they debuted at 2015 and trained elsewhere thus they didn't appear at the front of the story.) Group 2 were in charge of Super junior, Shinee, F(x), Red Velvet. 


"I failed again!!!"-Me

"Its normal... You only learnt korean for 2 years. Your other subjects are doing good."-Mark

"But I can't keep failing right?"-Me

"Hmmm... Do you want me to tutor you?"-Mark

"Thank You!!! ^^"-I said as I pulled him into a hug.

"Yo..Your Welcome..."-Mark replied, blushing.


"Oh no!!! I am late for my study date with Mark oppa!!"-Me

I was held back because I just couldn't get the steps properly! I carried a huge load of korean worksheets and text book. I managed to even load a thick dictionary on. With the 'elephant' load on me, I tried my best to run towards the park beside the building. I was running with all my might when I suddenly hit someone. My books fell and I slipped. It was raining books on me. I looked up and saw a figure looking towards me. He looked familiar..... it is Jae Hyun sunbaenim!! He looked at me. He is really handsome. Suho sunbaenim no.2. Wow... He is really... breathtaking. We stared at each other for about 5 seconds.

"What is wrong with you!?!? Don't you know where to look?"-Jae Hyun


Short chapter! I am going to upload one later in the evening. I really wanted to express my thoughts about the things people actually post online. So here it is! K-pop these days are getting more hurtful and fanwars are like... Celebrities, idols are also human. They have feelings as well and they can get hurt just like us. Please think twice before you post something hurtful online. Please don't hide behind a screen and hurt someone just because you are anonymous. Bye ^.^

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