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Time for new chapter!! If you guys wanna see more of the SM rookies, please watch EXO 90:2014 or go to www.smrookies.com


Mina's POV

Finally I get to watch my best friends perform together! I really look forward to it as they can all dance so well. I looked at them getting prepared and realised that Mark oppa and Jeno looked different. They look angry... I wonder what's wrong. The music started and they started to dance. Mark oppa was trying to step and hit Jeno during the performance and Jeno was doing the same... What is happening? Aren't they good friends? Because they kept disturbing one another, they formation was a mess and they weren't concentrating. I felt disappointed.

After the song, Ms Rinhi gave them a disappointed look. When Mark oppa looked at me, I gave him a smile to reassure him although I was disappointed at them myself. I expected so much more...  What exactly happened? Why are they like this?

"Next up! Group 2. Fiona, Yuna and Mina."-Ms Rinhi

Its our turn!! I felt my heart beating faster and I could feel my ears turning hot. It happens when I am nervous or embarrassed. I took a deep breath and pushed the button on the music player. The music started. Finally, it is my turn to shine!!


Mark's POV

It is Mina's turn right now. I looked at her intently. I know that she will do very well. She can sing and dance amazingly. I turned my head and saw Jeno looking at her as well. I never saw him look at someone like that before... Then, the music started playing. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, can you hear me?

I hope you are ready for a fast ride.

Ahhh! Its our TTS sunbaenim's Holler! I could see that Yuna is in charge of Seo Hyun sunbaenim. Fiona noona is in charge of Tiffany sunbaenim and Mina is in charge of Tae Yeon sunbaenim. I looked at Mina and saw her eyes change. She turned into the charasmatic Mina. The Mina on stage. Her vocals were shining and her dancing was perfect. Her live singing was perfect. I could see that the other trainees were really shocked at her performance. I looked proudly at her.

After the song, Ms Rinhi was literally glowing in happiness as she looked at them proudly. They could pass of as the junior TTS and I am sure that everyone will love them.

"Finally, it is lunch time!!! I'm starving!!"-Mina

"When are you not starving?"-Dong Hyuk

"Aishh!"-Mina said, kicking Dong Hyuk in the knee.

We made our way to the cafeteria and queued up for our food. 

"Mark oppa! I missed you soooooo much!"

I felt someone hug me. I quickly pulled away the hug and saw it was Seol Ri! 

"You are back!! How was your trip?"-Mark

"It was great! The beaches at Maldives are amazing! You should go there one day!"-Seol Ri

"Did you bring any soveniers for me?"-Dong Hyuk

"Of course!"-Seol Ri

All of us were gathering around Seol Ri. I turned around and saw Mina looking at us. She turned around and went to a table. She didn't look happy...


Mina's POV

"Mark oppa ! I missed you soooooo much!"

I heard someone exclaimed. I turned around and saw a beautiful girl hugging Mark oppa. Instantly, I felt my heart burn. Who is she? Mark oppa pulled away from a hug and instantly smiled when he looked at her. I felt my heart burned more. As my other friends one by one went to her, I felt my heart dropped. I felt envious of her. She had pale white skin, big eyes and amazing features. Her body proportion is amazing as well... She is perfect. Compared to me, I am nothing. Of course they would prefer me over her... I was left standing there and I turned away and sat at a table alone. Even Yuna seemed close to her... 

"Why are you sitting here alone?"-Jeno

"Oh... I am starving..."-Mina

"But you didn't touch your food at all."-Jeno

I lost my appetite...

"Are you okay?"-Jeno said worriedly.

"Yeah... I forgot to take something. Excuse me."-Mina

I left the table and walked. I didn't know where I was heading to. I just wanted to go somewhere quiet. Then, I arrived at the instruments room. I knew no one will come here. I turned the doorknob and went in. I sat down on the floor and put my knees close to me and closed my eyes.

Then, I heard the door creak open.

"Mina, are you okay?"

I lift my head. Was it him?


He came in and sat beside me. He looked very worried. He touched my forehead and stared in my eyes. I felt my heart beat wildly. His face was so close to mine. 

"You are not having a fever though... But your face is so red."-Jeno

I turned away, feeling embarrassed. Then, an image popped up in my mind. That girl... 

"Who is she?"-Mina

"Oh! You mean Seol Ri? She is also a trainee and trained alongside with us. Her father is a big shot and frequently fund our company. She is the same age as you and Yuna and we have been friends since she came in the company."-Jeno

"Oh... I see."-Mina

"Are you upset about something?"-Jeno

"No. I just felt envious about her relationship with all of you. Your friendship seemed so strong..."-Mina


Jeno's POV

My heart dropped when she looked at me with such eyes. Her eyes had a hint of... She must have felt left out... 

"Jeno. I am a bit tired. Can you lend me your shoulder?"-Mina


I felt my heart beat go fast and my breathing shallower. I felt her head on my shoulder. I took a look at her and she closed her eyes. She looked like an angel. Peaceful and beautiful. 

Right then, I saw the door open. It was Mark hyung. He looked at us astonished. Then, without a word, he left. What should I do? Who should I choose? Mark or Mina? I took a look at Mina. I came to a decision...


This is it!! I think this chapter is boring as well... Sigh 

Recommended song of chapter: Holler (TTS) One of my favourites as well!! Well, literally anything I put here is my favourite so... Hehe See you next chapter!! ^^ Annyeong!

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