The Dorm

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Annyeong!!! Time for chapter 2! Actually, although I have the main storyline, I have no idea how this will turn out… I hope it turns out great. I appreciate every view, comment, vote. ( If there is in the first place haha ^^)

Mina’s POV

 “I will miss you!! I love you!” I exclaimed. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I blinked them away. I will never cry in front of people. I was at the airport with my beloved family. It was the day for me to go to Korea and start my training. I know I will not be able see them in at least a few months.

 “ Daddy, take care of mummy and stop working so late”

“ Bryan, focus on your studies and stop making dad and mum worried. I won’t be able to help you now.”

“ Mummy, I will take care of myself. Don’t worry. You must come and visit me okay?”

Lastly, it was my precious grandfather. My eyes started to sting and it was getting blurry. He was the one that I worried the most since my parents are very busy, my younger brother is obsessed with games and my grandmother passed away a year ago. He is very lonely. If I leave, I know he will be very left out.

“Please take care of yourself. I will visit whenever I can.” I spoke in chinese to him and left to the boarding gate. I reached my limit and I didn’t want anyone to see my tears.

After 8 hours of long flight, I finally reached Korea. I walked out the arrival gate and saw a man holding a paper up my name. I went to him and introduced myself. He drove me to somewhere in Korea and I alighted at a building. He brought me to the top floor and rang the bell. A really pretty girl opened the door and brought us in. We had eye contact and bowed towards each other. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. She seems really nice. The driver introduced her as “ Choi Yuna”. I stepped in and scanned around. It was clean and simple and there was another 2-3 girls sitting around. They all turned around and looked at me. They were all fair, pretty, slim and just perfect. I was tan, not skinny at all and wore glasses. 2 of them gave me a judging disapproving look. I immediately felt ashamed of myself. I looked down and suddenly, someone took hold of my hand and said,” Hello! I am Fiona from Canada! Where are you from?”

I forced a smile and said,” I am Mina from Singapore.” The driver left soon after and I was left to fend for myself. Everything was new and scary to the 14-year-old me. Can I ever cope? I was told by the girls to pack my stuff in my room. My room is blue in colour and my roommate is Yuna. Yuna is very outgoing and nice. Since we are the same age, we acted like long time friends. Although we have a language barrier, we tried our best to adjust to each other. Fiona takes care of us alot and is also our translater as she is fluent in both english and chinese.


Yuna's POV

When I heard the doorbell, I immediately went to open the door. We already know that there will a new trainee today and she will be my roommate! When I opened the door, I saw her. She had a tan skin compared to us, big eyes, long legs and quite tall. She was a little different from the type of trainees I uaually see. She looked close to my age as well. She wore glasses which made her look really cute. I smiled at her and she smiled back. When we went in, Fiona unnie greeted her enthusiasticly(?) which reminded me my first day here as well. However, Suki unnie and Se Rin unnie gave her disgusted looks. No wonder Mina looks so down and she forced herself to smile when she introduced herself. 

I pulled her away from them and showed her around the dorm. 

"This is our room! The purple bed is yours and the pink bed is mine." I said smiling.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyy! Thank you so much! Can you be my friend?" Mina said and she pulled me into a hug.

I nodded and we pulled away from the hug. She looked at me with grateful eyes. She must be very lonely and scared and then on, I decided that we will be best friends and I will protect her.


Mina's POV 

I am so thankful for Yuna. Although is only 3 months older than me, she acts like my big sister. I took a long warm bath and i felt really refreshed.

"I can't believe I will officially start to be a trainee tomorrow!"-Me

"I hope you know your place there."

Puzzled, I looked back and saw Suki sunbaenim there. She gave me a disapproving look and went back to her room. I sighed. Will I make it?


This is the end of chapter 2! Is it boring? I will try to ake it more interesting the next few chapters because there will be boys.... yes... Haha. In case you are wondering what are the ages of the characters. Mina-14(Maknae) Yuna-14 Fiona-15 Suki-16 Se Rin-16 Jeno-14 Mark-15 Dong Hyuk-14 Jae Min-14/15? 

I based the main character on the way I feel and think thus I was a little sad when i typed the part about Mina leaving her family on go on her own when she is only 14. Hehe the next few chapters will be a little funnier. Byeeee

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