First Day in School

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Hi everybody!!! Its time for chapter 6! There will be more MarkXMina moments here. Okay let's begin coz I don't know what to say...

Side note: This time is actually Feb 2015 so the characters are a year older.


Mina's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I brushed my teeth, bathed and brushed up my hair into a neat ponytail. I never liked to put my hair down as it will fly around and I will get more pimples :/. I put on my blouse, skirt and my blazer. I never wore such a beautiful uniform before. We never got to wear blazers in Singapore as it is always so hot. I checked myself at the mirror for the one last time before going out. 

"You look amazing in the uniform!"-Yuna

I blushed to myself. Who doesn't like getting compliments? I was glad that I actually looked good in a uniform for once. Pinafores and skirts always made me look fat. But the blazer made me look skinny.

"Remember to bring your down jacket!"-Fiona

I quickly rushed back to my room and picked my jacket up. It was cold even though it is February already. Luckily, Fiona reminded me. I am a very forgetful person ><. On my way out, I banged myself against the dining table. Oh! Did I tell you that I am very clumsy as well? I always either trip or hurt myself at least twice everyday... Sigh... 

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang. Since I was the maknae, I went to open the door and saw 4 boys outside. I bowed and greeted them. They looked really good in the uniform... I felt my cheeks burned as I look at everyone of them. However, I noticed a boy that I have never seen before. Jeno sunbaenim must have understood me and introduced him. 

"He is Dong Hyuk. He is the same age as us and he didn't come yesterday because he had to record for a show."-Jeno

I nodded and called the other girls to come out and take the school bus together.


Mark's POV

When Mina opened the door, my heart stopped again! Why do I have this feeling everytime I see her?? I took a full look at her. She had a neat ponytail again. Her glasses made her look really innocent. Her eyes were glowing. She looks good in her uniform. Her skirt was just above her knees and her blazer fitted her perfectly. She was smiling to us. She looked like an angel. I unknowingly blushed again... When she looked at Dong Hyuk and talked to Jeno, I had a sour feeling in my heart. I wanted to be the first one to talk to her. Is she blushing? Her cheeks are really red... Is it because of me? Or the others... Wait... Why do I have this feeling?? 

-------On the bus-------

"Can you tell me more about yourself?"-Dong Hyuk asked Mina

I had this sour feeling again... 

"Erm... I learnt ballet for 8 years. I always wanted to be an idol and I was scouted when I was touring Japan by Exo sunbaenim's manager.  I had my first audition after 2 days I got scouted in Japan. My 2nd audition is in Singapore when the SMTOWN concert was held there. And I had my last audition and interview here. Actually I don't know why I would be scouted... I am so ugly and every SM artist and trainees always look perfect..." Mina said as she hung her head down.

"No...You are beautiful!!!" Mark exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads towards me and I started to blush. Why did I say that without thinking?? Urgh... Now everyone is going to tease me that I like her...


Mina's POV

When I started to feel inferior again, someone suddenly shouted that I was beautiful. I took a look and saw that it was Mark sunbaenim. My cheeks were starting to burn. Not many people actually said to me that I am beautiful and definitely not a boy. However, I know that he might be just comforting me.

"Thank you for comforting me, sunbaenim."-Mina

"Actually, we are not comforting you. You are really pretty just a different kind. And if you are not pretty, why would you get scouted? Oh! Please don't call us sunbaenims. Just call us by our names. You can call Mark hyung oppa."-Jeno

I grinned and nodded. 

Not long later, we arrived at the school. The school was big and looked very majestic. One by one, we got off the bus and people started shouting again! Which made me remember the way I got scouted.

"Mark oppa is soo handsome!!"

"Jeno oppa is soo cute."

"Jaemin oppa can you be my boyfriend?"

"Yuna ssi is so pretty!!"

"Fiona is the most beautiful of them all!"

"Dong Hyuk is soo charming!!"

Its was literally chaos and many students were staring at us. Then I realised that it was obvious that people will give their attention to sm trainees especially when the boys were already revealed. They are like semi, ready made celebrities. Its was normal that girls will take a liking to them.

"Who is that new girl? A new trainee?"

"I think so? She doesn't look like sm style though. She is so tan and ugly."

"Yeah... Even I am prettier than her. Ughh..."

I heard people muttering and pointing to me. I felt inferior again and felt tears welling up. I didn't want anyone to see them so I ran. I kept running. I didn't want to hear anymore things!! I know I cannot be compared to anyone of them... I rubbed away my tears and sat at a bench.


Mark's POV

I knew that people would start to gather around us as soon as we get out of the car. I want to get to the class as soon as possible. I don't want anyone to disturb us. Celebrity life is hard. Even though I want to be a idol, I didn't like people to invade my privacy. I guess everything has its pros and cons...

When we got off the car, the situation was like what I expected. However, people started to judge Mina. I knew they would. They started to comment that she was ugly and couldn't match up to us. My heart started to burn and I started to feel really angry and annoyed. Who are they to judge her? They weren't even half as pretty as her. In both her looks and heart. I wanted to shout at them to stop when Mina suddenly ran away. I knew she always felt inferior due to her looks as our company is know for both talent and looks. She was afraid of being different. 

I chased after her.

"Mina!! Wait for me!! Stop running!!"-Mark

She disappeared from my sight.

"Wow... She can really run..."-Mark

I was getting worried and kept looking around. I never felt so worried before. Then, I saw a girl sitting on the bench at a quiet side of the garden. I walked towards her...


So... how is this chapter?? I wanted to show that how being different can hurt someone. So don't discriminate anyone. Everyone has their own beauty and strengths!! Yup... your words can crash someone's confidence that she has been building for ages. Just one person's words can hurt someone forever. So please be careful with your words. They either be helping someone or killing someone! Please continue to read. Next chapter will tell you the reason why Mina don't like to cry in front of people.

Recommended song of chapter: Can You Hear Me by Taeyeon(SNSD) This song is sad like how Mina feels in this chapter as well. Song credits go to the owner.

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