37. bones

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The Originals gives me baby fever, also I know the song I refer to in this chapter came out in July 2019, but imma pretend it came out sooner - A/N 

May 11, 2019

Hayley's Safe House 

The sun began to peak over the horizon, the clouds a pink and orange hue. The golden light shined through the window and onto the bed where Poppy and Klaus laid. Poppy laid on her side, but also kind of on her stomach. Klaus laid close to her, his hand rubbing gentle circles on her back as he watched his daughter sleep. He was furious with Hayley for how she had treated his daughter, but he could also understand where she was coming from....but that still didn't make it right. He intended to right that wrong. Everything that had happened that he knew of, and whatever happened that she didn't know of, was fueling her self loathing and sending her to her lowest point. 

Poppy furrowed her eyebrows in her slumber, and she turned her face more into the pillow her head rested upon. That night, she had been plagued by nightmares, so Klaus stayed awake to watch her. He didn't want to pry, so he simply rubbed her back. A tear rolled down her face and onto the pillow. 

"No..." she whimpered, gripping the sheets beneath her hand. "No..." 

A frown formed on Klaus's lips, and gently her shook her arm. "Wake up, love."

Poppy turned her head again, taking a deep breath as she woke up. She could feel the warmth of the southern sun on her skin, the hand that was rubbing her back. She hated it, she didn't deserve the comfort. If only he knew the truth...if only he knew everything she had done. 

"What'd you dream about?" Her father asked from behind her. 

She pushed herself to sit up, wiping away the wet tear she felt on her face. "All of the reasons why I'm not deserving of anything." She told him honestly, and it killed him inside to hear it. 

"No, Poppy..." Klaus sat up with her and moved to sit in front of her. He looked into her blue eyes, which were dull. "You deserve the world. Why do you feel as though you don't?" 

Poppy looked down at her hands. "I've..done things.."

"Stefan's death wasn't your fault."

"It wasn't just that." His daughter told him, and he assumed she was speaking of when she locked him away. 

Klaus held her hand. "Poppy, I forgave you for what you did to us a long time ago-"

"It's not just that." Poppy looked back up at him. "I did things, Dad. I did horrible things. Things not even you would do." She got out of bed and walked to the dresser, opening and closing the drawers in search of clothes. She picked out a black lacey tank top and mom jeans. "Just drop it. I just have to get through today and I can go back to being with my kids and husband." 

Poppy stood in the downstairs bathroom, dabbing concealer underneath her eyes with her ring finger to mask the redness from her exhaustion and frequent crying. They were a bit swollen, but she knew that wouldn't last long. The tribrid mom was dressed in the clothes she had picked out as well as her necklace, and her feet were bare because she had no shoes. Her and Hayley were different sizes, so she'd have to deal until the ones she ordered arrived. She was a werewolf after all. After applying the concealer, Poppy pulled her curly hair up, holding it in her hand. Grabbing the hair tie that sat on the bathroom sink, she put it to her mouth and held it between her teeth so she could get it on her hand. 

She turned her head when there was a soft knock on the open door to see her uncle Elijah. He wore a suit, as usual, but instead of a suit jacket he wore a suit vest. "Breakfast is ready," He told his niece "we'll be eating on the porch outside." 

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