12. i won't let you be alone

333 7 1

January 30, 2014


A Gas Station 

Poppy slept against the window, a jacket acting as a pillow in between her head and the glass. She was curled up beneath a blanket. She had just managed to get Melody to stop crying and sleep. The mother was exhausted. Sleeping next to her was Silas, who had his head tilted back into the seat. 

Outside of the SUV stood Klaus, who was waiting for Hayley. She walked out with a bag of snacks and stuff, and she pulled out a cap that read 'Mother Trucker'. She waved it at him. 

"Absolutely not!" He exclaimed. 

"We need to blend in." Hayley told him. "You could start by losing the thousand-dollar jacket."

Klaus made a face and sighed. "Tell me again why we're on a scenic tour of Methamphetamine Country, and not compelling a jet to some far-off- preferably tropical-destination?"

"Look, I'm not the one with an army of pissed-off vampires coming after me. Can I have the keys?" Hayley held out her hand to him, and, after a dramatic sigh from Klaus, he placed the keys in her hand. 

He didn't appear too pleased. "On a scale from one to ten, exactly how much am I going to despise this little plan of yours?"

Hayley thought for a moment. "I would say...a solid eighty-five." She smirked and placed the cap on his head. Together they walked to the SUV.

Poppy ran down the road near the town square of Mystic Falls, her brown curls flying behind her. She wore a cream colored silk dress, which had spaghetti straps and a skirt that fell to her ankles. The color was decorated with grass stains and ash. It was nighttime, and cold. The sky was dark, not even the moon was out, and the town was vacant of humans. Her breaths were heavy from running, and she stopped and turned around. She furrowed her eyebrows, not seeing anyone around.

She took a few breaths. "Come on!" She yelled. "Damon!" 

"Poppy!" A voice exclaimed, the oldest Salvatore. 

She turned around, tears soaking her cheeks, her mascara running. "Damon!" She cried, relieved and sad. She examined his expression for any signs of hope, for relief, but she found none. She shook her head, tears now flooding from her eyes. "No, no." She brought a hand to her mouth, taking deep breaths. "No no no." 

"He's gone, baby girl." Damon said, his expression devastated. 

Poppy let out a sob, moving her hands up to her head. "How..." She trailed off, crying. "Damon, I killed him!" 

Damon remained silent, he knew that, in a way, she was right. 


A Bar 

Poppy opened her eyes, her vision blurry with tears. Quickly, she wiped the blood off from underneath her nose. She buried her pain deep down, and blinked her tears away, though one slipped down her cheek. 

"Are you okay?" Klaus asked. He had been watching her as she slept. He still wore the Mother Trucker cap. 

Poppy gave him a nod, her expression hiding any emotion. "I'm fine." 

Her dad frowned, knowing she wasn't, but he let it slide. He got out of the SUV, as did Hayley. After getting the babies out and waking up Silas, the lot walked into the bar. It was homey, and it blared country music. 

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