4. in another life

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"What are you doing?" Elena asked, walking down the empty street in the night to where Damon laid, her dress resting against her skin. 

"Waiting for you." Damon replied.

Elena looked confused. "On the ground where we first met?"

Damon stood up, hiding his sadness, his pain. "I'm feeling symbolic." He kissed her for a moment. 

"It's bad, isn't it?"

The Salvatore dodged her question. "I believe you owe me a dance, Miss Gilbert."

"Damon, just tell me. How bad is it?"

June 23, 2013 

Mystic Falls, Virginia 

The Salvatore Boarding Home 

Poppy sat up in bed with a jolt, holding the blankets close to her body, her eyes wide and her mouth gaped open. Quickly, she brushed her hair away from her lips and closed her mouth, looking around. The black veins disappeared from her arms and neck. Taking a breath, she calmed down and rubbed her eyes. 

"You slept like a rock last night." Silas stated, walking into the room from the bathroom. "Not even the alarm could wake you." 

Poppy looked at him. "Oh. Must be because of the baby." She watched as her husband walked to the bed. He leaned down and kissed her, holding her hands. 

He pulls his lips away after a moment. "Time to get ready for the wedding." 

Elena swung her gloved fist at the pad in Alaric's hand, then swung another. They stood in the woods, sparring, wearing workout clothes. 

She gave him a small gesture, wanting more from him. "You're going easy on me. Come on. This is supposed to be a special moment." She punched the pad.

"Yeah, no. I can't do this." Ric took off the pads and threw them onto the ground, overwhelmed. He turned and walked away. 

Elena shook her head, following him. "Don't do that. Don't give up like that."

"Why not?" He asked. "I have nothing left to fight for." He walked to a dummy and began to punch at it with his bare fists, full of emotion. 

Elena wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. 

Jo looked around the study in a panic, lifting things up and moving things around. "Crap, they're not here."

"What's wrong?" Elena asked, filling a glass with champagne. 

"My shoes!" The bride exclaimed. "My gorgeous, ridiculously expensive, wear-them-once-and-then-never-again shoes. They are missing!" 

Bonnie looked at her. "Do you want me to do a locator spell?"

Jo furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "On my shoes? Is that possible?"

"I don't know, actually." the Bennett witch shrugged. "Just hang on, I got to figure out how to work this stupid thing." She examined the steamer in her hand, trying different things to turn it on. Bonnie then pulled the hose out. 

"Oh, good, break it!" Jo exclaimed sarcastically. "Because my wrinkled dress will surely distract everyone from my bare feet."

Elena walked to her with a glass in her hand. "Hey, hey. Come on. Don't waste all your panic now! You still have eight hours until the ceremony." She held out the glass. "Non-alcoholic mimosa?"

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