55. lost without you - i

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New Orleans, Louisiana
The Bayou

He was alone in the bayou, standing before a tree, a memorial tree. His hands carefully carved into the shaved bark of the tree, something that he would forever hold close to his heart. The immortal heart in his chest ached tremendously, his eyes glistened with unshed tears. Klaus Mikaelson, the big bad wolf, was being pushed down to his knees. Though the world had stopped spinning for him and his family, it continued on for everything around him. The birds sang, the frogs croaked, the sun continued its journey through the sky.

"I should've been there for you.." he spoke gently to the tree, to the name he had carved into it. Hayley Marshall. "And for Hope. But...I was scared..of this very moment." The hybrid paused for a moment. "This family, hm? We're a curse to each other and to our home. And I know she needs me, I see that now. But loving her brings her closer to death. And I want her to live. I want her to grow up. I want her to love, and be as strong and beautiful a woman as her mother." With a tear slipping down his cheek, the man traced his fingers over her carved name. "I don't know what to do. And I really wish that you were here to tell me, Little Wolf."

Evening came quickly in the Bayou. The birds went to sleep, and the crickets and fireflies woke up. The emptiness of the scene and the presence of Niklaus was replaced by Hayley's werewolf funeral. Kneeling next to the boat of flowers was Freya, who sprinkled a substance on the flowers while chanting a spell. "Moze li la paix..." she repeated. She stood to her full height when she was finished and looked at the water before her.

Silas stood beside his children, wearing the same attire he had worn from funeral to funeral. It was heartbreaking, everything that had been happening. But he held himself together, for them, for her. Poppy. Is ex-wife, who he still loved dearly though she didn't feel the same. It's okay. He understood. Perhaps it were his own actions that led to her pain, but without those same actions Archie and Melody wouldn't have been a thought.

Poppy had yet to arrive to the final funeral.


She was at the Abattoir, sitting on top of her bed, her palms facing the ceiling, her knuckles resting on her thighs. Her blue eyes were closed, her mind elsewhere. She had been in that state for a while, however she was cloaked from the world, so no one really knew what she was up to. They had chalked it up to grieving. Alone time.

In her mind, Poppy stood in a field, the full moon illuminating the surrounding forest that would otherwise be blanketed by darkness. She hadn't done it in a while, projecting her spirit to be amongst the others. There weren't many spirits left, most of them moved on to Hell or to Peace...or whatever worlds remained. Before her stood the faded spirit of Inadu, a face she hadn't seen in years. A face she never wanted to see again.

It had been time for a chat, and it was long one. And Poppy realized it was time, before it was too late.


The boat had yet to be pushed out into the bayou waters, they were waiting on the eldest daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, who would be arriving shortly according to Silas, who had contacted his ex. She sounded like she was up to something, and he was nervous to see what it was. Would she create a scene as a display of her grief? Would she put everyone in harms way? Would she hurt herself? What was she up to?

Silas looked at the Original Hybrid, who had joined the funeral crowd only minutes before he contacted Poppy. Klaus approached him, wondering why he was receiving an odd look. The witch furrowed his eyebrows.

"She's up to something." He stated. "I'm not sure what."

Klaus frowned, his worry for his daughter's well being growing in his gut. "How has she been today?"

"She's grieving, and she was just tortured for days...it's hard to say if she's been acting normal or not..." Poppy's ex husband paused for a moment and sighed. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words escaped him.

Poppy had arrived, stepping in between the funeral guests, members of the Crescent Wolves. She looked at Klaus and Silas. Hope turned her head to look at her sister, tears glistening on her cheeks. They locked eyes, an equal amount of grief showing in them. Poppy walked to her sister and placed a hand on her back.

She spoke quietly to her sister, too quietly for anyone else to hear, and in response Hope gave her a nod. And so the older sister got to work.

Poppy approached the water, her hands at her sides, her palms facing the boat that held Hayley's ashes. She chanted a spell the oldest immortals had yet to hear, one that Silas hadn't even heard...but he was able to get a rough translation in his mind. He tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows. She was trying to resurrect the fallen Haley Marshall-Kenner.

"Poppy-" Klaus started, unsure of what was going on. Hope turned around and walked to his side, shaking her head.

"Dad, let her do this."

"Let her do what?"

Silas looked at the pair, then at his ex wife, whose had were glowing blue as she chanted more. "She's trying to resurrect Hayley..." he looked at Klaus. "I don't think she'll be strong enough, she's still healing."

Poppy closed her eyes, focusing on her power deep inside of her, focusing on the emotion. All of the pain and the anger...it only fueled her more. She wanted Hayley back, she wanted everyone back. She was so sick of everyone she loved dying.

She wanted it to work, they all did. It had to.

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