A slow destruction

Start from the beginning

Jade walked over to Weiss and retracted his mask. He quickly plants a kiss on her lips then turned around. 

Jade: that was the last one, I hate leaving a girl hanging. 

With that Jade runs off. His aura was still broken as he hasn't had the downtime to regenerate it.

He jumps through crowds of Grimm letting all the other students take care of them.

Jade: think! Think! 

Jade ran up to an Alpha and punched its head off going into a safety roll when hitting. He used his momentum to jump forward going back into a sprint.

Jade: Ah! The great hall!

his spider-sense goes off and he jumped into the air dodging a Beowolf corpse that got launched by Nora. When he landed on the ground he lands on his bad leg. Subconsciously, he brings back his leg to avoid further damage. This means he splatted against the ground.

Jade: oh god....

Mina: you can't do too much! You have like, ...fourteen broken bones.

Jade: that just means I have one hundred ninety-two unbroken ones.

He stands up and got to running again.

He sees an arch and shot a web to it. He initiated a swing and got the maximum distance in the air.

He sees into the great hall to see Yang lying in a pool of her own blood and Blake with a stab wound.

He shot two separate web lines and pulled sending himself at the person who had their sword over Yang. He delivered a powerful kick sending them back.

Jade: Yang!

Jade's spider-sense went crazy and he turned to that danger just in time to back away. He was just in time to save his head, but not his right eye.

The adversary cut right through Jade's eye completely blinding him.

He shot up filled with rage and grabbed the blade. He used his free arm and broke it completely. 

The person who he finally got a good look at, was actually Adam Taures. His face was filled with shock as Jade flipped the broken blade piece around.  

Jade gritted his teeth and jammed the broken blade into the Adam. It somehow went through his aura and right into his chest. Jade released the blade, then grabbed his shoulder and reeled back his other fist. He throws it forward and it sends the Adam flying through the air. He flies right out of a broken window.

His suit repaired itself, covering his eye as well.

Mina: Jade, stop fighting....

Jade: I can't.

He turned around and fell to one knee.

Jade: come on!

Jade shoots a web to Yang's arm and limped over and tied a web string around her arm to hopefully stop the bleeding. For Blake, he just shot a web on it.

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