Sneaking Away Aren't We ?

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Edge POV


"N-No but there are a lot of these AU's so it will take some time"


"O-Ok that should be e-enough time"




I shot out of my slumber but was surprised by finding my self not in the cold bare shed but a warm welcoming room.

"o-oh yeah"

I turned to my right to find Pup still sound asleep.

" i-i'm sorry"

I put on my clothes and started making my way to the door.

'i just can't let you get hurt anyone'

I slipped trough the door and slowly down the creaking steps.

'maybe i should just teleport outside'

I thought as I touched where my collar once was.

'wait my collar'

No way Boss is going to let me live another day without it.

I teleported into the living room and spotted it on the floor.

I removed the bandages around my neck and snapped it on.



The 2 spikes sunk into my neck as blood dripped down.

"heh f-forgot how m-much i-it hurts at f-first"

I suddenly heard someone else coming down the stairs.

'should i run ?'

No, even if it was Stretch why would he try to stop me ?

'it's not like he likes me one wants to be around me unless they need something from me'

'other than Pup'

The figure approach me and I finally saw who it was

"Pup ??!! w-what are y-you doing a-awake ??
w-wait we're y-you c-crying?"

He shook his head and pointed to my collar.

"i-i w-was j-just u-uh s-sleep walk-"

"I know u doing"

"*hic* i-i-i just d-don't w-want you*hic* t-to
s-suffer anymore"

"U know no fault"

"*hic* b-but-"

"No buts stop blaming u
I loss everything no u too please"

"o-ok b-but i *hic* s-still h-have to g-get back"

"Please no right now later"

"*sigh* o-ok"

"Thank u"

"w-well n-now w-what ?
hmmmm o-oh i h-have an i-idea w-what if we c-clean the h-house a b-bit
i-it would a-always m-make Boss h-happy"

He gave me a shrug so we went to clean.

~Time Skip~

"f-finally w-we're all d-done"

We sat on the couch just me and him
Just starting at the ceiling and the fruit bowls' rim.

(AN- pfffttt when did I become Dr.Suess ?>^<)

"s-so d-did you have a-a n-nightmare?"

"Memory actually "

"o-oh w-was it a-a b-bad o-one"

I just got a simple nod

"w-was it w-when B-Boss m-made you e-eat R-"

I was cut of by Pup softly squeezing my leg.


".....It fine"

"*yawn* m-maybe we s-should go b-back t-to b-bed"

"I guess"

"What are you two doing up so early?"

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