Look Don't Touch

690 20 18

Stretch POV

After searching my room I had finally found my lighter so I motioned to leave when my phone rang.


"H-Hi Papyrus it's Undyne I found the stuff  I needed but it's pretty late so maybe I should come back in the morning o-or I could come if you think the damage is urgent "

"Nah you wrapped the injury pretty well it should be fine till the morning"

"O-ok but also make sure they get plenty of sleep and food"

"Heh don't worry about food Sans is probably making a feast as we speak and *yawn* I think we all should get a good night's sleep after a day like today"

"Y-yeah that's true ..........o-ok then u-uh bye"

"Bye Undyne"

I hung up and left my room and started going down the stairs.

"but i-i am bad i've killed people Pup. i-i've killed i-innocent lives, Dogamy, Snowdrake,
e-even Monster Kid !!!!! hell i-i'm the r-reason Raspberry's dead!!!"

'Red ?'
I peaked from the staircase to see Red and Mutt on the couch.

'Raspberry who's that?"

From what I could tell Mutt was using some kind of broken sign language but I still tried to read it from where I was.

"No but be forced to no mean want to"

Forced ?
Did that asshole make Red kill people ?!
..Or was it self defense ?

'I'll have to ask him about it later'

Blue came into the room with the food.
'Welp time for dinner'


"Where's Papyr-"

"Right here"

Red and Mutt we're a little startled by my sudden appearance
maybe even a little terrified

"Oh In That Case Let's Eat !!!"

I helped Blue and Red set up the table and with that we started eating.

In the corner of my eye I watched Red and Mutt eat their food curious to see how they ate.

Red ate the same like last time
Still rushing to finish but weary of everything and everyone around him

Mutt was a bit different
I could tell he was just as hungry as Red but instead of eating right away he would first rip the taco in little pieces then hesitantly eat one.

Then he would stare at me.

Like he was waiting for something...

After awhile he would go back to his taco and eat another piece.

But then would go back to staring at me again.

~Mini Time Skip~

After dinner we started getting ready for bed.
The problem was there were 4 of us but only 2 beds.

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