Meeting a Cheeto

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'I can't walk any longer.
How long have I even been walking?
It's hard to tell
Maybe I should wait for the storm to pass.'

And with that my body collapsed in the snow.
The wind blew around me.
'I wonder what my punishment going to be'
Boss had already banned be from sleeping and eating for 5 days plus extra beatings.

What had happened was when I was doing the laundry I accidentally mixed colors with whites.

Big mistake.

His once red scarves (minus his main one) were pink so we had to buy new ones.
And when he found out he was pissed.
He would of killed me if it wasn't for Undyne calling him because she needed him for a mission.

I remembered him picking me up from the throat and telling if he found out I ate or caught me sleeping during my punishment he'll make sure I won't live another day.
It's only been 2 days out of the 5 and already feel like death itself.
Just thinking about Boss gives me shivers down my spine.
So for now I'll just wait off the storm.

Underswap Papyrus POV

"Sans I'm going to wait the storm out at Muffet's"
"Ok Bye Papy Be Carful!!"
"I will bye"
I hung up the phone and started making my way to Muffet's
The blizzard blew around me as I made my way to Snowdin from my Post.

That's when I saw someone lying in the snow.
I walked towards them curious on why someone would be out during a blizzard.
"Hi" I said in my usual lazy voice "what you doing out here bud it isn't a 'ice' time to be outside"
They quickly turn around and started making a run for it.
"What the ?"

Nope Nope Nope
Not going to get captured today
I ran as fat as I could but due to my leg I ended up falling in the snow.

"Hey there bud there's no need to run I ain't gunna hurt ya" he stood in front of me allowing me to get a better view of him
Wait a second
"M-m-mutt is that you ?"
He looked at me confused
No wait ...Pup can't talk so that means !
"B-Boss !!! i'm s-s-sorry A-Alphys accidentally transport u-us here p-p-please don't p-punish

Underswap Papyrus POV

I could now see them more clearly
He was a skeleton monster with a crack over his eye and a gold tooth.

He were wearing a red sweater with black basketball shorts with gold stripes on the side of them and a black jacket and a red collar?"
Wait did he say punish?
Oh shoot he's crying

"Hey buddy don't cry I didn't mean to make ya feel 'tearible'"
He still didn't stop
"Ok let's just get you out of this storm"
I tried picking him up but he would keep moving away from me.

Fortunately he backed up into a tree so I was able to get a hold on him.
He started shaking and saying things like "please" and "i'll behave"
I picked him up realizing how light he actually was.
I then teleported to the house with Muffet's long forgotten.

Here's Edge in his pink scarf >~<

Here's Edge in his pink scarf >~<

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