"Thanks," I avoided his eyes, too nervous to look at him.

We approached Jessica's fancy front door and I knocked on it. Her parents weren't home, no surprise there. Much like my parents, they were never home. Where our families failed us, we found family in each other. I cherished my relationship with her more than anything.

We waited a moment before a very angry Jessica opened the door.

"Mia, I am so pissed at you right now!" She opened her mouth to continue, but closed it when she saw my face, "What's wrong?"

One look, that's all it took. If that's not a best friend then I don't know what is.

She noticed Dean standing behind me and arched a perfect brow at me, "What's he doing here?" She shook her head, dismissing her question, "Never mind just come in, come in."

She hooked her arm in mine as we entered her house. Immediately I noticed that the house was empty, which meant she must've sent all the staff home for the day.

Jess lead all of us upstairs to her room. Once we were there she and I made ourselves comfortable on her king sized bed like we usually did. She told Dean to make himself comfortable as well, so he sat on her love seat.

It was hard not to notice how stiff and uncomfortable he is sitting there. I wondered why he's sitting on the edge of the couch like that? I also wondered why he looks so uneasy around Jess and me. We're not gonna kill him or anything.

I averted my eyes from Dean and stared at my best friends Inquisitive face. "What's going on girl?" She asked softly.

I explained to her everything that happened and how I felt. I didn't fight the tears at all. Just talking about it made me wanna curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep. Again, I couldn't help but notice Dean's demeanor shift from uneasy to upset as he listened to me painfully tell my best friend everything that happened with Adam today.

Dean was there to stop me from hitting Adam, but he didn't know what actually led up to that point. I thought for a moment that maybe, I shouldn't be spilling my guts in front of a complete stranger, but I inwardly pushed that feeling away because Dean seemed relatively harmless.

Besides him, I had to let this pain out and even though Dean is a stranger, he didn't seem like a bad person to be around, and that meant something to me... For some reason.

But I knew that I could always count on Jess to support me in whatever I'm feeling or going through. Right now, I needed her. I needed her comfort.

"God, Mia. I am so sorry," Jess said pulling me into a tight embrace. "I can't believe he's treating you like this. You guy's were just fine the other day!"

"I know. That's what I don't understand," I sobbed, resting my head on her shoulder as we held each other. "If something was wrong, why wouldn't he have told me sooner? Instead of cheating on me for months?"

"I don't know sis... Do you think it's only because you wouldn't have sex with him? Or is there more to the story?" She asked curiously, causing Dean's eyes to dart up from the floor and to my apprehensive face.

"He said that she fucks him like a porn star..." My voice trembled. "I thought our anniversary would be great for our first time, but..." I trailed off unable to say the words. "God! I feel so fucking stupid!" I pulled away from Jess and covered my face with one of her pillows.

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