10 ; Jealousy pt. 2

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"No, i want to meet you outside too so i need to leave that campus first"
I peck his lips. He pouted first and turning smiling

"That's right"
"Just wait a little more baby"

"Yeah just few months and i will free. Can't wait"



"Stop go out with that guy"

"Heh? Who are 'that'  guy?"

"Oh you might be kidding me. How many guys you go out. Are you cheating on me? Look into my eyes"

"What. No. Never. For my momma sake. No. Who? Tell me"

"The guy with brunette hair and got some weird face like alients" oops sorry no offense. I love taehyung for real. He's my mistress ups hahahaha. Just kidding. He's my bias wrecker. Lol. Jungkook is still my ultimate bias, but i prefer love BTS.

"Hmm Taehyung? Is it? The guy from my class?"

"Yeah whatever. Stop being around with him. He look so flirty"

"Don't worry mister, we just do our assignments. No other else, Nobody can't compare you"

"Are you for real? Promise me?"

"I can't"

"What now"

"Maybe we got some project together and we can't resist it since the prof choose for our partner"

"Fuck with them"

"Eh no curse"

"Just dont smile a lot with him. I hate that"

"Why? Are you spying on me? God Jungkook"

"I just afraid somebody would stole you from me since you look too beautiful"

"Yeah i know i'm beautiful. He just friend of mine. geokjeonghajima love"

I peck him once and he kiss me so gentle

His soft and sweet lips. I can't get enough of it. It's like drug. He made me addicted.

We kissed till our lung almost ran out

We panted hard. He peck me one more time

"Jump baby"

And that night we share our moments together. Cherish every second we have. I give him all of me. I'm not afraid anymore. I know he will take care of me. Being with me forever. Because i know he know i will do the same as he did do to me. Love each other forever. It's our first and I'm not regret give my first for him. I love him too much to care that pain. I can handle every pain as long as i with him. He so gentle. He kiss me to divert the pain. It's like my bones crack and my body divide into two Pieces. My tears fall. Its happy tear. He wipe my tears away. He complete me. I dont mine to take care of him forever.

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