6 ; Our Moments

487 32 0


Fall 2016

Knock knock

"Mr. Jeon"

"Yes, come in"

"This our assigments, do you need anything else sir?"

"Nope, eum actually there something in my mind"

"And what is it Mr. Jeon?"

"Why being so formally when we in four walls, baby"

"Ssttt other might heard us, stop"

He take step towards and pass me to locked the door

"And it's done"
"First this room is soundproof, second this room doesn't have a cctv third it doesn't have any window or invisible walls and last the door is locked."
"You're save now baby"
He whisper at the last sentence

"Owh you weird"

"I miss you, lets get out today eum"
He take me closer. Put his muscular arms along my waist. Peck my temple and kiss my lips. He always this sweet.

"I can't. I got family dinner. My far cousins come from abroad"

"Why you have a lot family hmm"

"I don't know either"
"Blame my grandpa's grandpa hormones to make my grandma's grandma a lot of kid hahaha"


"Hey let me go, it almost recess time"
I peck his lip and unwrap his arm

"Mkay, i will wait you in parking area later"

"Yeah yeah Mr. Jeon. Now i need to really really leave before someone get suspicious to us"
"Don't you want to eat Mr. Jeon?"

"I will eat"
"You. Later"

"Yahhh" i pinch his waist
"Can't wait. Bye"

"I love you my rose"

"I love you more Kookie ya"

Him [END]Where stories live. Discover now