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Intro: "Hello there. This is Lilly here, from India. I am twenty-two years old, and currently working with book publication houses. I live with my parents and very fortunate/unfortunate twin sister. Confused between if it's fortune or unfortunate because having twin sister has it's own pros and cons. But never mind that. Oh, and I'm half Christian and half Hindu, by the way. So, I get to enjoy so many festivals. Specially being an Indian, and top of that Hindu.

Now, something about I love. I love Love reading. Have been reading since as long as I can remember. And the major credit for this book reading addiction I have, I would like to blame it to Shakespeare. And off course my (not blood related) but really close brother. Reading always have been escape for me. From reality. My life never have been fairy tale. Maybe that's why I Was so very attracted to fairy tales at the certain period of time.

When did I started writing? It happened almost four years ago now, when I was doing just nothing and frustrated with internet. I was in a break from reading books because I have my final exams for high school. I wanted to write something that I can call my own. Like all those beautiful authors out there have. So, yeah, that's how my journey of writing began. And the person who motivated me to write further was a person I met here on Wattpad only. And I'm really glad she did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought I can go on with my stupid amateur writing skills"

1) Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

"All my current works are pending which is three stories, by the way. Two published on Wattpad and the third one, I haven't decided to publish, yet. And I'm not sure I ever will, TBH.I still desperately need to complete my book "Never Forget You" first because I have got an amazing offer from one of the publishing house, (which I haven't accepted yet) and I NEED to complete the book if I ever decided to accept the offer"

2) What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

"Be the real you, I guess. I'm not saying you should not take different ideas or inspirations from different authors or your favourite story. But whatever you are writing, try to make your own style. And just write whatever your mind can think of. At least for a draft. Then you can reread it and change parts that you doesn't feel like it match your expectations. And second, but the most important part, take examples from your surroundings. That's what I do most of the time. Like, if I want to write about being in a coffee shop, then i try to visit any coffee shop. I take notice of the place, interior and specially what other people are doing there. Same with character. If you want to describe a certain character, first try to think like them. Like how do you want to character to protrait themselves. It's the most important thing to make your character different from other characters and your thinking. Otherwise all your characters will end up looking like same."

3) Writing can be an emotionally draining and a very stressful pursuit. Do you have any tips for aspiring or young writers?

"Write wherever you feel like. Not because of pressure that you have to. If you are working on any book and posting it regularly online, but for a couldn't get time to continue because of any whatever reasons, and your readers has started pressuring you to update (which is currently happening with me from a while) please don't bother. (I'm so sorry to all the Readers i have) but the thing is, if you started writing under pressure, I'll never be the same like before. You'll never get satisfied with your work. Or you'll probably never want to write again. Maybe that's what happens to most the awesome, but unfinished books we read online."

4) What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the writing journey?

"Favourite part? Well, that's my favourite part. I love writing emotional scenes. And if it's tragic, then even better. (I know I'm terrible person) it's like taking all my sorrow out and make it a complete different story.

Least favourite part, well I really love reading romance stories, well, sometimes. But when it comes to writing I'm kind of awkward with it. What can I say, never experienced anything real in real life. It's all bookish knowledge I have, about romance. And unfortunately, the story I'm currently working on is just happened to be a tragic romance story. Tragic, I'm managing superbly, but romance. Let's just say, it's not coming out very smoothly."

5) How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

"Like I said before, I'm working on three books in which have uploaded two. But my main focus is on "never forget you" it's my favourite because of many different reasons. I'm emotionally attached to this story, and i doesn't even know why. I'm already done with book one of this series, and half way through book two."

6) Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special?

"Favourite character? Maybe I would say the male lead character of my story Never Forget You, but then, maybe I won't. I really love the character I have made, unintentionally. And all my readers love him as well, I hope they do. but I'll choose the female lead character of my story. The main character. Kavya. She's so strong in so many ways. The kind of strong I always wanted to be, but never had guts to become one. And I'm not saying she's flawless. She has her own flaws. And she has done some pretty hurtful stuffs. But then, it's that what real life characters are supposed to be? We go through difficult times. Then we go through good times. And in between all these, we learn many things. Good, bad and sometimes funny."

7) When you're writing a very emotional scene, how do you get in the mood?

"I try to picture it as of my own. Like how would I have had reacted if I would have been in their shoes. It's more connecting that way, rather than trying to portrait emotions of other character. Try to portray emotions of your own through other characters."

8) What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

"That I can write as well. That was the most surprising fact for me. I never thought I can be a writer, ever. And TBH, I still don't think I can be. But then I started going with the flow of the way my story went. It just started coming naturally for me. Like one image of how my next chapter will be, to other. And specially when I'm writing Never Forget You, I just know what I am writing. I have always picture how my story is going to end and how certain things are going to happen in that story. I just have to think about detail and plot holes. And there you go."

9) If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

"Am I allowed to say that I'm on Love with the main male character of my story? Well, I know I never will love a guy so perfect if I ever get to meet one in my real life, not that I'll ever ger one anyway, but still, it just felt so amazing to write a character one would really like to have, in real life.

And what would I do during that day? Well, we both probably would spend half of the day reading, and the other half, arguing."

10) What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

"I would really want to meet JK Rowling, and get some inspiration from her. I mean who doesn't wants to? She's just so amazing. The world she had created. I don't think anyone can any do anything like that. Ever again. I know there are other authors who are maybe better than her in creating different kind of world from us, but I don't know why, but I don't think I can ever connect with other world the way I had, from the world of magic. It's has been since childhood. That time, I never thought to actually read her books. It was always movies. But then I did the mistake of reading her books. And my world has never been the same again."




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