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Intro: Hi everyone, it's freedomgirl007,You can call me Freedom.I am a Christian teenage girl who lives in America.I love clothes and shoes, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and writing stories.

1) Where did your love of writing come from?

"Ever since I read the moody family series (a book series about a Christian homeschool family) I wanted to come up with a book series but everything that I made up seemed like a copy of Sara Maxwell (the author of the moody series) already wrote.Than as I got older and began watching action movies, I got inspired to come up with something else. At the start I would usually think/ tell the stories out, but I knew that I wanted to write them out one day so here I am."

2) If you were given the opportunity to form a book club with your favorite authors of all time, which writers would you want to become a part of the club?

"Definitely Sara Maxwell. I also love the truth seekers mystery series by Christina and Felice Gerwitz, so they would be in it to. I'd also love to invite Ally Carter (sorry that I haven't read any of your books yet, but if I get the chance to, I will.)"

3) If you were to watch your favorite book turn into a movie, which would you choose? Or would you rather keep it stayed as a book?

"I would love my (future)books to be turned into a movie (I would of course have to supervise production) but as for a favorite book of mine, I really don't know. I would be very upset if they messed it up. (Sorry that this wasn't a direct answer)."

4) What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

"Oh gosh, Can it be a wattpad author? If so than maybe the one who wrote High School Hit List (I think her name is Ann Valet) She is getting her book published!!!"

5) Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special?

"Yes. Her name is Hailey Jones. I created her when I was 14 years old. What makes her special is, well it's hard to describe. She's like any other normal girl (except she isn't) and than she gets thrown into a life she isn't ready for (her parents are secret agents) I have a lot planned for this character."

6) What, according to you, is the hardest thing about writing? And how do you overcome it?

"I really don't know. I don't get writers block very often since I have tons of ideas. Description is definitely my weakness in writing though since I think of it as a movie and write mostly dialogue. I overcome it be picturing the scene and briefly describing it to my readers. I also add narration."

7) If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

"I'm not in any big fandoms (mostly because I haven't been able to read the books) but it would have been nice to write a really popular book series (like lord of the rings) cause then I would've been rich from the movie rights."

8) What is the best piece of advice you have ever received, that you would like to share with us?

"I usually give people advice (maybe that's why it's so hard for me to take advice)

To every aspiring writer: find your story (don't copy what someone has already thought of) don't get discouraged, and you might just become the next hit author."




Thanks for joining me for a fantastic interview, I really hoped you enjoyed it!


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