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Intro: "Heyo, my name is April! And from my last name (on my profile), you could only imagine all the jokes I've ever received. I'm an 18-year-old full-time college student in my second year, and a part-time writer hoping to go further in writing. I love reading and writing thrillers, so you'll find most of my writing is suspense, mystery, horror, and teen drama based!"

1) Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

"Yes, actually! I have 3 current projects I've been excited about sharing, that I've been writing offline. They're called 'Mary's Bones', 'When We Were Young', and 'The Last Road Home'. It's going to be something different from my past writing, since I've been venturing into adult MC's."

2) What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

"Hmm, I'd have to say visuals, tone, and characterization because they go hand in hand. The reason I say this is because, visuals can go a long way. Plot is very important too, but without characters that are fleshed out, I feel as though the visuals an author is trying to convey may not reach the reader, because the reader cannot connect and/or feel what the character is feeling. So, in other words, imagery. When I'm reading, my favorite part is that I'm able to imagine the characters as if the words have come off the page. I want my readers to be able to experience the same."

3) Writing can be an emotionally draining and a very stressful pursuit. Do you have any tips for aspiring or young writers?

"Please DO NOT compare yourself to anyone else. I've been there (still struggle with being there sometimes) and it is NOT a very pretty sight. Sometimes you'll just want to give up, and that's completely understandable! But writing is a process. Not everyone's adventure will be the same. Fame, improvement, and everything else comes at different pace for everyone. So, I'd say to keep focusing on your craft. Don't worry about what others are doing. And if someone gives you advice, take it into consideration. Feedback will help you a lot in the long run. If you need to back away to find yourself again and your passion, I'd say do that too because it's important that you love what you write!"

4) What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the writing journey?

"Oh boy, my favorite part would have to be... being able to share my passion with others. It feels as though, I've accomplished something within myself, when I see others being able to relate to what I write and loving it. Even if it's just one person, knowing SOMEONE out there is enjoying it is enough. Because it motivates me to keep writing, keep pushing towards me goals, and keep improving because no one's writing is perfect.

My least favorite part of writing would have to be the doubt that comes with it. At least for myself. There are times where I can't help but question whether I'm a good writer or not because of lack of recognition, or whether my plot is good enough to be read compared to "popular tropes" floating around in my genre, if it's too niche.

But, where there's a negative, there's a positive. And I keep reminding myself, there's a bigger world out there. Everyone has their own personal preference, so what may not be good to someone, may be the best thing ever to someone else."

5) How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

"If we count the ones I've removed as drafts off Wattpad to edit haha, then I'd say... 7 completed and about 10 that aren't complete yet because I want to rewrite those. Honestly, I can't choose a favorite! They all hold a special place in my heart. Okay... maybe Mary's Bones just a little bit more than the others, but still!"

6) Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special?

"Hmm, Patty Lane from 'Lake Bellinor: What Lies Beneath' because of her personality. It's the first time I wrote a character in the nerdy aspect, but took it to another level. So, she's this very confident, sassy, know-it-all character that is determined to help my MC solve the mystery. The perfect love-hate duo."

7) When you're writing a very emotional scene, how do you get in the mood?

"Well, I use a theatre tactic I've learned in class. But, instead of using it for acting, I use it for writing of course. So, I just think about something depressing that's happened in my life and project it onto the situation/and or emotions my character is going through."

8) What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

"That I often say I'm going to give up on something... but I have too much determination to ever give in. Once my mind is set on something, there's no changing it."

9) If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

"Man, that's a hard one. I've never thought too much about it. I'm honestly not sure. But my top picks would definitely be Angie and her husband, John from 'Mary's Bones' or Patty from 'Lake Bellinor: What Lies Beneath' because their personalities bring life to others, and they're just such interesting, fun, and complex characters to be around."

10) What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

" Wowzers, I don't have an answer for this one. There's too many authors I'd love to have that opportunity with."




Thanks for a fantastic interview, I hope you enjoyed it!

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