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Intro: "I'm a bilingual writer in English and Spanish. I love writing poetry and short stories. I haven't been published yet, but I'm sure that it'll happen one day. "

1) How do you see writing? As a hobby or a passion?

"Definitely, as a passion."

2) Where did your love of writing come from?

"From the first time I was given a book as a gift. I was just 11 years old."

3) If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

"Baron in the Trees. The sweetness of the book and its main character are unique."

4) What genre do you enjoy writing the most? And why?

"Poetry. I think I can express my vision of the world through my poems. 5) In life, what do you think is the closest thing to magic?"

5) In life, what do you think is the closest thing to magic?

"Reading your favorite books (novels or short stories or even poetry)."

6) What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

"Jorge Luis Borges."

7) If you were given the opportunity to form a book club with your favorite authors of all time, which writers would you want to become a part of the club?

"Jorge Luis Borges, Sartre, Camus, Gabriel García Márquez, Isabel Allende, Jhumpa Lahiri, Amy Tan, Daniel Romero Vargas, Mario Benedetti, Octavio Paz and Abraham Valdelomar."

8) How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

"About three. A book with selected letters."

9) What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

"Baron in the Trees, The Catcher in the Rye, The Joy Luck Club, the Stranger and the collection of short stories Let's kill Borges."

10) What is the best piece of advice you have ever received, that you would like to share with us?

"The more I read, the better writer I'd be."

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